There is something very nostalgic about getting real snail mail, in that simple mailbox at the end of your driveway (not to be confused with the inbox at the end of your keyboard strokes). I remember some lonely days away at college, and getting a care package in the mail, simply made my day and covered me with smiles!
I got this piece of loveliness in the mail just yesterday. It filled me with such HOPE!
Emily Dickinson said, “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.”
Ahhhhhhhhh! Doesn’t that just make you smile and give you an extra bounce in your heart’s-step?
My sweet friend, Lisa Leonard, has transferred this timeless quote (in her own hand writing) upon a sterling silver pendant!
I adore every square inch of the word HOPE! Without hope, where would we be? Do you know someone in need of some HOPE?
You might enjoy slipping on over and visiting Lisa…
I just know one of these meaningful necklaces would fill the sails of her soul… that friend, sister, mom, daughter… in need of some encouragement today!
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