I was reading in Malachi this morning and it really convicted my heart. In chapter 1, it’s talking about the Lord’s unfailing love for Israel, despite Israel’s faithlessness. Take a look at the priest’s offerings:
- polluted
- blind animals
- lame and sick
- vanity
- mock God
- no fear
- stolen
- cheated
The Lord says in verse 11, “For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.”
I want that which I give to the Lord to be out of a pure and honest heart. I want my offering to Him, not to be given out of obligation, duty, or haphazardly, but out of holiness and reverence and honor to His name.
May we offer unto Him our very breath. What can you and I give Him today that hasn’t been polluted, stolen, and cheated? Are we giving Him our leftovers? Are we giving Him that which has been trampled over and ripped and beaten? Or, are we giving Him our very best? That which costs us something because of the beautiful cost of His blood upon Calvary for you and me?
For most of us, it is OUR TIME. Look at your day and evaluate how you are wasting the time He has given you. How can you maximize it for His glory? What can you cut out of your day and what do you need to focus on? It might mean less time on the computer or less television for your kids. It may mean thinking of creative ways to love on your husband. It may require getting up 15 minutes earlier to open you Bible and spend time in fellowship with Him.
What is He speaking to you about right now? Listen, and obey.
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