***Before you read this post, please note, these are my thoughts. I’m human and flawed, but I stand by the Word of God and what it says. May all that I do be done in love and upheld by God’s awesome grace. I love the gay person just as much as the straight.***
I’ve had a lot of time to ponder the whole Duck Dynasty blow up. I’ve had mixed feelings about the whole thing. I’m a Duck Dynasty fan. I watch the show and I’ll continue to watch the show. But it is just a show. The people on the show are just people. They are flawed like you and I; their flaws are just magnified because they are at the forefront of the media. Willie Robertson’s net worth is 20 million. But money is just money and sometimes fame can blind a man/woman. With fame and infatuation, people can start praising man verses praising the Creator. Man will always fail, but our God never will. I don’t stand by Phil, I stand by God’s Word.
The question is this… how do we, as Christians, who stand on the Word of God as pure and holy and true (from front to back), no matter how it steps on toes, speak it with love? The Word of God is going to offend. It says it will. But can we speak it in a more loving way? If we can’t speak it with love, should we speak at all? Hmmmmm…
I’m not advocating love that is silent or love that backs down on what we believe, but advocating speaking it with love.
Sin is sin. Some sins are just more magnified and glorified at different times in society. Over time, the downward spiral of the sanctity of the marriage bed has been compromised. Sex outside of marriage has been accepted. It’s been glorified. Sex is designed for marriage and it is not a matter of being prude or old fashion. I’m so thankful the only man I’ve ever known is my husband. There is something so precious and pure and God-honoring when we follow God’s plan. Because our plan sounds good in the moment. What feels good goes, and with that freedom we will compromise at every chance we get. Because our flesh craves it, but our Spirit (the Holy Spirit) says differently. God’s way is always the best!
The only way mankind will ever change is by having a supernatural change from within. By accepting Jesus as Savior, He changes our fleshly desires and hands us His desires in return. The Spirit overcomes the flesh because that is the only way to overcome sin. Any sin. My sin is no less than yours, and your sin is no greater than mine.
I don’t think Phil Robertson is a dummy. He knew full well that his words, published in GQ would go viral. I don’t think it was a surprise to him. He comes from a culture that doesn’t mince words. He says it how it is, even if it did sound a bit crude and rude.
Do you regret the way you said those words Phil?
Looking back, would you say them in a different way?
I don’t fault Phil for quoting the Bible or sharing His beliefs. I think it certainly got a lot of people thinking who’ve been quiet on the subject far too long.
It’s just so touchy. If we call homosexuality a sin, we are called homophobic. I’m not homophobic. If you are gay, I love you just the same. I just don’t think it is a part of God’s intended plan.
No matter what we say, we must be careful to do it with love. 1 Corinthians 13 says it well.
So Christians, say what you believe, but do it with love. Humble yourself under God’s hand. Speak your words carefully.
I believe it is possible to say what we believe and do it with love. Love is all encompassing. It is self-sacrificing. Looking at a people group (even though we may believe their lifestyle is sin) filled with hearts of hate, is not the way to win this war on sin. I’m not stating that Phil hates the gay person. He is a strong man who has come a long way in life. He has overcome hate and alcoholism and angry words spilled forth onto his family that I’m sure he wishes he could take back. He’s overcome many obstacles. Phil, more than anyone, knows how strong words are.
So Christians, let’s approach 2014 with a greater focus on God’s Word, on loving our spouses, on raising little ones to love and serve Jesus. Let’s be self-sacrificing, and invite Jesus into every moment of our lives. Let’s put aside hate within our own four walls and strengthen the dynamic of family as God designed it to be. If we just obey, simply obey, the world will see what God intended the purity of His God ordained plan to be. Maybe we have fallen by the wayside as a church to uphold the sanctity of marriage and family?
Praying for all of you in the upcoming year! May your family be blessed as you seek Him first and long to shine Christ in all you do and say!
Psalm 19:14 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”
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