This time I’ve got to trust You
I’ve got to accept Your plan
I have tried to guide my circumstance
But there’s just no way I can
When will I learn this lesson
Your ways are not like mine
Lord, help me to surrender
The control I try to have on my life
When I let it go
You take my hand and gently lead me
Then You let me know
Just how peaceful my life can be
When I let it go
Your never-ending blessings
Like a river start to flow
When I let it go
Too many times I’m searing
For the things I think I need
When I try to look for more
I always seem to give You less of me
Lord, help me gain this wisdom
My foolish mind still lacks
‘Til I find a way to let go
Of the part of me I’m holding back
Sierra-When I let It Go
Have you ever been searching around for something in the middle of the night? You are groggy and your equilibrium isn’t the greatest, and then add in PURE DARKNESS. Not a pretty site. Yet, you continue to fumble through the darkness, grabbing for the wall… and then the surging pain through your body arrives – you stub your toe!
You get mad, down right furious at the pain echoing through your body.
Don’t we do this with God? We think that we can get by “feeling for the wall” stumbling through life without turning on the light of His Holy Word. Are we afraid that the light will hurt our eyes? Have we been in the darkness so long that it might be blinding and painful?
Don’t lose heart! Your eyes will adjust, and your heart will be warmed as you come back into His presence. The longer you stay in the light, the less “blindingly-painful” it will be. So stay in the light of His Holy presence!
Luke 18:1 tells us that we should pray always, and not lose heart. What is troubling you today my sister in the Lord? God’s solution: Pray! (James 5:13)