I asked him to call me fat. Yeah, I know. The hubby rolled his eyes too. He told me of course he wouldn’t and I told him I knew he was too smart to humor me with this request. Instead, he pulled me close, kissed my head, and told me I was beautiful.
I didn’t want him to call me fat. I just wanted to get mad enough to make some changes in my life again. I’m a fighter and if someone I love can speak some good ol’ fashion truth in love, I’ll fight and fight and prove to them I can. I’m determined like that. But I’m also a slacker. I tend to be lazy. I’d rather sit on a sofa with my laptop and coffee than get up and move my behind.
A life of discipline takes work. sweat. tears. But the alternative? I don’t want that. So I will get up and exercise until he tells me I’m beautiful and I believe it.
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