This giveaway is now closed. The winner of this book is Dana from Calverette Chronicles! Congrats. Please contact me with your mailing address at curly2880atyahoodotcom.
My 4 and 2 year old LOVE this book! It is so wonderful to be able to teach them to love and respect their Daddy!
Thank You, God, for Daddy by Amy Parker IS THE perfect gift for Father’s Day (Sunday, June 19, 2011)! A board book for little hands (suggested age: 2-5) that teaches our kids to show gratitude and pray for their dad!
Maybe you’d like to purchase one for the father of your kids? What about getting one on behalf of some children whose Daddy is far away serving in our Military?
I also have a copy to give away this week! It’s super easy… just comment by finishing this sentence:
“My favorite thing about the father of my children is…”
You can earn a second comment by simply viewing the FLIP BOOK HERE.
If your kids are older or out of the house, you can still enter! We all know kids in our life (grandchildren, niece/nephews, etc) that would be blessed by it.
Disclosure: I received one free copy of this book for review purposes. Tommy Nelson will be sending a complimentary copy to one winner.
Thanks for visiting!