1. Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom is giving away a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card AND her e-book, 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life.
2. Lisa Leonard of Lisa Leonard Designs is giving away her Wildflower Necklace.
3. Dee from Red Letter Words is giving away (your choice/US residents only) a piece from her new one word collection!
4. Darlene Schacht from Time Warp Wife is giving away a copy of the book Reshaping It All.
5. Sally Clarkson from I Take Joy is giving away a copy of her and Sarah Mae’s book Desperate.
6. My sweet Mommy is giving away a custom burlap date pillow from her etsy shop.
7. Fotini from Glamorous, Affordable Life is giving away a burlap wreath.
8. Cynthia from Prayer Notes By Cynthia is giving away her Grace Gift Tags.
9. Women To Women Ministries is giving away a year’s subscription to their magazine!
10. Tommy Nelson is giving away the book 3 Cups: A Lesson In Life And Money For Children.
- Money Saving Mom
- Lisa Leonard Designs
- Red Letter Words
- Time Warp Wife
- Desperate
- Glamorous, Affordable Life
- Woman To Woman Ministries
- Tommy Nelson
- Tami Lyn Creations
- Prayer Notes By Cynthia
- Ordinary Inspirations
- Money Saving Mom
- Lisa Leonard Designs
- Red Letter Words
- Time Warp Wife
- Sally Clarkson
- Glamorous, Affordable Life
- Woman To Woman Ministries
- Tommy Nelson
- Tami Lyn Creations
- Prayer Notes By Cynthia
- Traci Michele @Ordinary Inspirations
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