What do you do when you have a serious lack of motivation? Here are 6 easy things I do:
1) Put technology away.
Put away your computer, phone, ipad, and all other techno devices. It’s wonderful having such a connection with the outside world, but it can certainly zap your motivational drive!
2) Get out of your pajamas and take a shower.
I know this sounds silly, but days can get away from us and a nice warm shower can be easily pushed aside. Taking a shower first thing in the morning is a quick way to get motivated.
3) Start organizing stuff.
Start with one room/one level of your home at a time. Put on some good music and get organizing! Return things to their rightful place. Throw away stray papers and junk. Pack away clothes that don’t fit into the current season.
4) Accomplish one thing you have been putting off.
What’s one thing you have been constantly ignoring? Buckle down and do it. You’ll feel great! Just one thing a day…
5) Put away the junk food!
Junk food is a quick fix for satisfaction, but it certainly can drain your energy and leave you feeling sluggish. Instead, down a couple glasses of water and eat some fresh fruit and/or veggies.
6) Make a list of people you can encourage.
Pray about who might need some encouragement. Send them a card or give them a call to let them know you are praying for them and you care!