So, over the weekend I was awarded the Honest Scrap award by Jacky from The Sweetest Petunia. This award is for bloggers who are honest in their writing!
Thanks so much! {I even put my foot in my mouth and said that I thought blog awards were cheesy…. but Jacky was kind enough to look past my strategically placed foot ~ Thanks Jacky!}
The rules here are to pass the award on to 7 bloggers who I think are honest in their blogging and to list 10 honest things about myself.
Okay, so 10 honest things about me? Here goes – It won’t be hard since they are already in my sidebar…. {look at that, ahead of the game!}
1. My husband actually taught me how to make a bed “the correct way”.
2. I spent most of my days as a child, frolicking in the woods and creek behind my house.
3. I am not very smart… I have to study my brains out to “retain” anything.
4. I am left-handed, and have horrible penmanship.
5. I took computer classes in school to “hide-out” from any sort of public speaking.
6. With that being said, I am scared to death to teach a Ladies Bible study in the Fall. But God’s grace is sufficient and His strength is perfect. {Side note: My first class was this morning, and by God’s grace, it went well!}
7. I never thought I would make a decent homemaker ~ I had no interest in making my home inviting, cleaning, cooking – until I got married!
8. I love sports, games, any sort of “competition”.
9. While I was pregnant with my daughter, I craved Lime Tortilla chips dipped in cottage cheese. Yes, I ate it!
10. I have Hyperthyroidism, and have struggled with my weight my whole life! It is a constant battle I face.
There ya go! As for the 7 nominees…
1. Amy from I’m Just Sayin
2. Jen from ThriftyNorthwestMom
3. Sisterlisa from AGMinistries
4. Tiffany from Tea With Tiffany
5. Linda from Linda’s Patchwork Quilt
6. Jennifer from For Such A Time As This
7. Rachel from Young Homemakers