(on behalf of my sweet-blogging-friend Danielle <---- see her beautiful family to the left) to get HELP from some very “well-known” Blog Authors, AND, any of you “oh-so-wonderful-but-not-well known YET”, blog authors!
4 To be exact. (Angie, MckMama, Sarah Mae, and Sarah Markley) I’m sure you’ve heard of them, love them, follower them, etc etc etc…
I thought about contacting OPRAH or ELLEN… but then thought, why not ask help from these wonderful, GODLY, blog authors instead? See their beautiful pics below:
Angie @ Bring The Rain
**Dear Lovely Angie, you live in Tennessee and you and your reader’s signatures might carry “extra” weight.**
A special thanks to Angie for writing a post: CLICK HERE
McMama @ My Charming Kids
Sarah Mae @ Like A Warm Cup of Coffee (Props To Sarah Mae for writing a post: CLICK HERE)
Sarah @ Sarah Markley,
The Best Days of My Life
Ladies, please understand that I am not naive to that fact that you are VERY busy, and that you may get MANY requests such as this…
but I’m begging you to help, in any way you can…
Whether that might be just praying that they get the signatures they need, by signing it yourself…
Read her short story below:
On June 1, 2009, Danielle’s son, Wyatt Nathaniel Finchum, was born at 10:03 a.m. He had a faint heartbeat and was breathing, which was a miracle, as doctors advised them that they would probably never see him alive. He died two minutes later. However, due to Tennessee’s definition of live birth, her doctor was not able to medically acknowledge his life. He was listed as stillborn.
She won’t deny the fact that her son was dying as soon as he was born, but he lived… he fought to breathe for those two minutes and his life deserves to be acknowledged. Danielle would like to get Tennessee’s definition of live birth amended to a more acceptable definition that recognizes life no matter how short it may be.
Click HERE to sign the Petition
(If you do not live in Tennessee, please sign also…
Danielle has recently stated that your signatures will count as well.
Signature count: 10/14/09 10:00 AM: 457
***UPDATE**: 10/16/09 6:50 AM: 1,002– Thank You Everyone!!!!
*******Goal: 1,000*******
CLICK HERE to view a slideshow of their family
CLICK HERE to visit Danielle’s blog
The Race is on… will you help…
Will you play a small part in getting a law changed?
Can we get 1,000 Signatures by Friday??
Ready ` ` ` SET ` ` ` GO!
People Who’ve Written Posts About Wyatt:
#1) Larie, @ My Heart Speaks
#2) Sarah Mae @ Like a Warm Cup of Coffee
#3) Sandy, @ One Day at a Time
#4) Domestically Dunn
#5) Angie @ Bring The Rain – thank you thank you thank you!
#6) Nicole @ Pure Perseverance
#7) Franchesca @ Handprints from Heaven
#8) Beth @ Beth’s Blog
#9) Tammy @ I love my 2 dogs
#10) BJ Mama @ For What It’s Worth
#11) Teresa@ Too Many Heartbeats
#12) Monica@ Pixel Perfect
#13) Country Mom