No, not the kind of break that gives off that condescending tone. A technical one. I’m unplugging so to speak, from the overcoming need to post, check email, upload, download, facebook, . . . you get the idea.
For at least a week, maybe more. . . I will be around a lot less.
Do you need a break? How would you know?
1. Are you more angry, impatient and temperamental?
2. Are your kids acting out, seeking more of your attention?
3. Are you overwhelmed by life, and feel burdened?
4. Are you thirsty for the simple life?
5. Are you anxious and overcome by your emotions?
Just take a little break. It will be okay. The blogging community will forgive you and get this, survive without you!
What you may like to fill your break doing:
1. Make some to-do-lists and get some long overdue things done around your house (have your kids help you).
2. Read and meditate on scripture more.
3. Exercise your body and drink a lot of water.
4. Clean out some closets and clutter. Throw stuff away that you wouldn’t want to receive as a gift. Give stuff away that you would love to receive, but simply cannot use anymore.
5. Read a good book (the edifying kind).
6. Write a letter to your husband and put it in the mail to him! How fun!
7. Send an encouraging card to a friend that is in need of a good smile.
8. Set aside a bible hour in your home. Watch bible songs, read some verses, and discuss them with your child.
9. Hugs, lots of hugs. Kisses, lots of kisses. Patience, lots of patience. Laughter, lots of laughter.
10. Puzzles, games, toys, crayons, blankets, balls, dancing, somersaults, talent shows, chasing, hide and go seek, and cuddle time.