We all cry out for attention. We want our voice to be heard. We want to know, and be known.
Starting out with good intentions, we may…
seek to glorify God with our blog,
strive to make some extra cash on the side for our family,
make some new friends, etc.
Don’t have a blog? Apply this to your own personal business and/or relationships.
Could it all become too much? Or better said, could it never be good enough? Twitter, Facebook, Open Sky, Blogs, Businesses, Clubs, etc.
We are all selfish people. Our pride can get the best of us. Our fleshly, sinful nature always cries out for more.
… more followers
… more subscribers
… more comments
… more sponsors
… more becoming recongized
Am I the only one that struggles with this from time to time? Please say no.
1. People must always be more important than products.
2. Keep away from pride in your own programs, plans, and successes.
3. Remember that God’s will and Word must never be compromised.
4. People must always be considered above the making of money.
5. Do what is right, no matter what the cost.
6. Be involved in businesses that provide worthwhile products or services–
not just things that fee the world’s desires.
To all my followers, friends, and blogging companions… please don’t misunderstand me. I am so thankful for you all, and am a truly genuine person. If I saw you at a function, I’d be the first one to run over, introduce myself, and give you a big hug.
I’m just keeping it real… you know I gotta.
If I struggle with this, from time to time, I know you just might also.
Let us never, in the name of blogging, ever put our time with Christ aside, our church family, our husbands, or our children, for the sake of gaining power and prestige.
Your thoughts? I’d love to hear them. If you think this post would help someone else, please pass it on.
Don’t forget to enter the current giveaway. Ends soon!