- A pen
- A fresh notebook
- An hour of your time
Spend some time brainstorming areas of importance in your life. Here’s what I came with that you can use as a guide:
- Spiritual
- Photography
- Work
- Trips
- Part Time Ventures
- Church
- Family
- Evening Reflection
- Organize/Clean
- Health/Fitness
- Joys/Delights
Next add some bullet pointed goals under each topic. What does growth in each of these areas look like for you in 2022? What are some long-term goals you have for the year? For example:
- study scripture
- meditate on scripture
- read through the bible
- memorize scripture
- pray scripture over people weekly
- Build clients/portfolio in Ohio
- Offer business portraits
- Network
- Take Classes
- Have fun
- Reach out to old/new clients
- Look back
- Look forward
- Take risks
Next, divide your notebook up into equal sections. You can get as fancy as you want by adding tabs, or you can just keep it simple. Write the name of your topic and then give yourself 5-10 pages for each and write the next topic.
This is an area where you can write the date and what you did to grow in this area through out the year.
I’m looking forward to looking back at what I wrote down and evaluating what habits I was consistent in and where I had the most growth.
Awesome, love this idea!