You sit there in the quiet wondering where it went.
Last year. A whole 365 days. Gone.
You push out the regrets and try to be positive. “The past is the past,” you remind yourself. But today. Tomorrow. A year from now. They are not the past. What will you do with your days? Your moments gifted to you by The Creator of all things.
Here are 12 simple ideas to start with. What is God speaking to your heart about?
1) Throw Out The Lists
Throw out the lists that make you feel accomplished. Those things that you write down just so you can cross off with a ball point pen. The lists make you strive and work . . . instead, ask God to write His grace on hidden pages of your heart. When life is lived by grace instead of lists, watch out world!
2) Speak Love Everyday
Say I love you everyday. To someone. With your words, actions, or heart. But say it. Or better yet, show it. The world is starving for love. Ask God to show you how to be love to your neighbor. To your children. To your spouse. To your enemy.
3) Be A Good Listener
To be a good listener, we need to stop thinking about what we want to say next. It takes active and purposeful slowing down of personal agendas. It takes stripping down walls of pride and arrogant ways. It takes time. Time to shut up and receive instead of talking so much. Listen to God’s heart most of all. Stop speaking and start listening to Him. Snuggle up and sit on His lap. Feel His heartbeat. Be His heartbeat.
4) Think The Best Of Others
It’s so easy to assume the worst in others. Especially if you have already formulated how and why a person acts the way that they do. Throw that all away and start thinking the best of that person. It might be super hard. Start by praying for that person. Ask God to show those people to you through the eyes of Christ. How does He see them?
5) Make God’s Word A Priority
God’s Word. A priority over food, Facebook, and even family. Over hopes and unfulfilled dreams. Over everything. Just start somewhere. Every day, find time to read and let His Words penetrate your mind and heart. Meditate on what he speaks to you about.
I got this really pretty box at the airport gift shop this week – Proverbs In Color. It has pretty pictures with words from Proverbs on it to color. Don’t have time for coloring? Neither do I. But I’m making slowing down and meditating on God a priority.
6) Pray Like Your Life Depended On It
Innocent lives are being taken every day. Those people grabbing their bags from the Fort Lauderdale airport didn’t see their death coming. You and I don’t know how long we have here on this earth. Look at your time with God as sacred and special. Carve out time like never before. I heard this in a sermon recently:
You can’t live a vibrant Christian life without prayer.
Never stop praying- 1 Thessalonians 5:17 should fall into the same category as breathing. Commune with your Abba Father. Our souls must get into a habitual pattern of craving God. To really love God means we need to spend quality time with Him. Seek to be on terms of friendship with Him. Closer than any friend you have on this earth. Make God that person.
Prayer is not a means to an end. It’s a way to get what your soul really needs. – Pastor Hughes
7) Give Sacrificially
In what areas of your life can you sacrifice this year? Finances? Time? Relationships? Gifts? Church community? Pray about it and ask God to show you. You will never ever be without when you give sacrificially!
8) Stop Worrying About What Others Think Of You
It’s not worth it. Worrying about what that person or people group thinks about you. As long as you are walking close with God and seeking Him first and His will for your life, you’re good. You’re good. Move on.
9) Ask God To Show Himself To You
Personally invite God to show Himself to you like never before. Before He does this, He may require you to do the above things. He is waiting to show you great and mighty things! Jeremiah 33:3 says,
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
10) Enjoy The Beauty Of Each Day
Sometimes we wish so badly for tomorrow, we miss the mundane moments of today. When we brush by these moments, we miss gift and gift that we pass by as meaningless. Start collecting your precious bundle today.
11) Stop Saying “No” To That One Thing
You know what it is because it’s the thing that keeps you up at night. It’s the one thing that you keep saying isn’t for you or your family. Why not relinquish your “No” and say, “Let’s try this, God.” I know you’re scared. But just follow Him step by step, and He’ll show you the way.
12) Live With No Regrets
Each night, when you lay your head down, aim to live without regrets. Satan will try to condemn you and remind you of all your mistakes of the day. Don’t let Him. Be faithful to meet with God each day, and He will be faithful to meet you and show you some amazing things this year! Christ takes pleasure in our time with Him. Embrace the process of learning more of Him this year. Grace upon grace. Oh, if not for grace. Live in the abundance of grace. Your Heavenly Father is such a gracious teacher; learn of Him.
My word for this year is Healthy. I want to live a healthy life. That doesn’t just mean putting healthy food into my body, but a healthy spiritual life first and foremost. What’s your One Word for the year?
My word for 2016 was surrender. My word for 2017 is hope.