We live in a Selfie world. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all flooded with selfies. We lie to ourself when we say the way we look doesn’t matter to us. It does. It’s something that usually plagues us as females. We look in the mirror and constantly critique our body. We never-live-up to what we wish for.
So how do we help our growing girls not equate their worth with their waistline? Their beauty with their appearance?
She squeezed her middle section and called herself the “F’ word. F-A-T. My heart sank. She’s so beautiful, how does she not see it? I explained we don’t ever use that word (I certainly have made a point not to in front of her) and we don’t use the “D” word: D-I-E-T. We use words like striving to be more healthy and strong.
What are some ways you help your growing children wade through this topic? Here are 8 ways that might help us both out.
Don’t Obsess About It
Both ways. Don’t obsess and talk about being healthy and eating healthy and living healthy 24-7, but don’t obsess or fear talking about the topic of health. It needs to be talked about, but not all the time!
Tell Them They are Beautiful Often
Our children need to hear they are beautiful. Tell them often. Both their outer beauty and their inner beauty. Express how when their inner beauty shines, it reflects on the outside as well.
Be A Role Model
Be a role model with the way you live and act and how you speak. Are you living out what you are teaching them? Even if you don’t use the words “Fat” or “Diet”, what other words are you using? Are you living discouraged and defeated because you aren’t happy with your own current body image? They are smart little creatures… they pick up on it all.
Exercise Together
Make exercise fun. Find fun and new ways to exercise with your children, without them realizing it’s exercise. Get out and move – together!
Have Them Help In The Kitchen
When your children are old enough, have them help you in the kitchen. Look up healthy recipes to try as a family. Again, make it fun and have them learn about why certain foods help our body thrive and function better.
Look At What God Says
Look at verses in the Bible about God says on this topic. Memorize some verses together with your girl. Write them on 3×5 cards and color them pretty. Post them on your fridge and mirrors!
Encourage Them To Really SEE Others
When they can look beyond themselves, and really SEE others, they will hopefully grasp the bigger picture. Go on missions trips as a family. Serve at your local senior center. Do more for others. Less selfies. More othersies.
Be Louder Than The Media
The media is powerful. Be louder. Your voice as a parent/guardian/role model, is much more valuable. Speak into their life daily and try to be careful about what they watch and listen to.
All great points.
Another is- the main man in their lives (usually a dad) should build them up, tell them they are beautiful, and adore their mama in front of them. This will give little Princesses security beyond measure.