I get it. Boycotting a place or product when we don’t agree may seem like the reasonable thing to do. Perhaps you feel it gives you a voice, a cause, or a purpose? Boycotts seem to be the preferred tool consumers use to make their feelings known.
Here are 10 things I’m doing instead of boycotting Target:
1. Praying More
I need to pray more. Like a whole lot more. Prayer is what makes the biggest impact in this world. I’m going to start, continue and end here. May the movement of my lips be a direct correlation between time spent alone with Jesus first.
“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. ” John Bunyan
2. Saying No To Fear
This world is constantly changing. Laws change. Leaders change. But my God is bigger and sovereign over it all. I will not let fear rule my thoughts and actions.
3. Listening To Red Flags
I will choose to continue to listen to that still small voice. That gut-feeling. That Mommy-intuition. It’s a real thing! I will choose to be more aware in all places, not just bathrooms at Target.
4. Asking For Wisdom
God says that if I ask for wisdom, He will give it to me abundantly. So I will continue to seek Him first, and His guidance. I will be careful not to jump on a bandwagon just because it seems like the right thing to do.
5. Educating My Children
I will continue to educate my children (based on age and maturity) regarding sexuality and the great value of protecting themselves. I will make known to them what is okay and what’s not okay. I will tell them they have the right to yell HELP and NO and DON’T. I will give them freedom to have a voice. I will stress awareness in all circumstances. Not talking about these things because they are uncomfortable is not the answer.
6. Choosing Grace-Filled Speech
Our children are watching the way we use our speech. How do we communicate to a lost and dying world that Christ is Lord, not a person or a platform? Before I post something on Facebook, or speak to someone over the phone, or talk about things they may overhear to my husband, may I always remember that my children are watching and listening to HOW I communicate grace. May grace override hateful speech every time.
7. Examining My Own Heart
This is the time to examine my own heart. Is there unconfessed sin in my heart? Am I doing everything I can to walk the walk, not just talk the talk? Jesus, grab hold of my heart and make me clean, because of you. All because of You.
8. Spending My Money Wisely
Instead of boycotting a place or product, just simply use your money for the greater good. Isaiah 58:6-8 says,
Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
9. Loving My Neighbors
I need to love my community as Christ would have me to. I think that I can show that more than I could making known I’m boycotting Target. I could send fresh baked cookies to the lonely widow, or invite that desperate mom inside my home for coffee. It takes a lot more courage to do these things, than simply stand on a soapbox.
10. Letting God Change Our Home First
Our home. Oh glory…. so much growth needed, right? I must start within the four walls of my home. Choosing to love my people here first. Selflessly. Working on not spewing hurtful words. Working on taking care of what I put in my mouth and how I treat my own body. So so so much work to be done here.
When I have this all down, then perhaps I’ll take on boycotting Target…. but I know that this thing called sanctification is a life-long and a daily feat… and so, I will let God be God, and ask Him to fight my battles. He’s so much smarter. He’s so much kinder.
Holy Spirit, have your way in this world.
Seriously the best commentary I have seen yet regarding the whole Target boycott. Thank you for sharing your heart, my friend. You have so much wisdom here and I’m so thankful for how you have decided to share it/embrace it. Keep it up! Love and miss you.
Jenny Harrison
Thanks friend! Miss you too!
Love this Traci!!
Thanks Jenifer!
Traci I totally agree!! Thank you
You’re welcome. Love you!
Traci, I find your post timely, because yesterday, I was about to go into Target and respectfully share my concern with a manager. Then, as I sat behind the steering wheel praying, I remembered that my time in the word and with the Lord was hurried that morning. Getting alone with Him and seeking His guidance first is indeed essential. My thoughts know have been one of concern for Target managers and what kind of actions are they being shown by Christians. Am I going to make the issue worse by going in my flesh or will I be humble and teachable. Great post on remembering our priorities.
Thanks for commenting Christina! I think it is just important for each one of us to be sensitive to the Spirit…. and you did that! <3
Thai you for your humility and love for others that are expected to follow the requirements of their jobs.
Really good word!
Thanks friend! <3
Love this Traci!! Love it! It is a grace-filled, God honoring way to speak life into a hard and ungracious topic. I had a conversation with a friend about something similar and It brought us down to the familiar question, ” What Would Jesus Do?”. I feel like you asked that question here, and considered deeply the effect of being Christ-minded.
Thanks Dawn! I appreciate your encouragement.
Thanks so much Dawn!
We have to speak the language that people understand. You wouldn’t become a missionary to Japan without learning Japanese…
The language corporate America speaks is money. It’s all they understand. If you want corporate America to stop trampling Christian values, you have to start speaking their language. As long as Christians have uncoordinated and impotent responses to issues like this, the more it will happen.
You can do still do all the things you .listed.
Not for me, but I respect your point. I believe God is bigger than the almighty $. Thanks for commenting Stanley.
Of course God is bigger than the dollar.
The reasoning Christians use to glorify God with their money (missions giving, tithe, helping friends etc) that same reasoning can be used to glorify God by NOT spending His money on things that Don’t glorify Him.
I couldn’t agree more! There is no reason you can’t do all of these things and have an outward expression of defending your faith by Boycotting Target at the same time.
Right. It’s just as bold and righteous to choose not to fund evildoers as to pray and be kind to your neighbors. I think standing against the flood of Sodom and Gomorrah in our country is really being good to my neighbors. Some of them don’t want to think about hard things like politics and etc., and yet if we all respond that way, America will leave behind Christian values…. Oh wait…. That is what has already happened. Keep your values with you both at home and when you go out in the marketplace.
Stanley, I agree with you! The Bible tells us to love but part of that love is revealing sin. I think one of the most unloving things you can do to someone is to let them continue to walk in their sin.
But doesn’t this apply to the believe according to 1 Corinthians 5?
You are right Stanley and Melissa I agree….their loss will make the difference…if everyone had the attitude of the writer; nothing would get done to make the diff!1
As Stanley says…the dollar is their effective language and that’s the only way to get to them! No I’m not saying don’t pray first or anything like that!! But God would not expect us to condone this practice that is abhorrent to Him and continuing to shop there where God’s standards and views are being sickeningly violated are doing just that! Honoring the created instead of the Creator
for all who are interested there is an app 2nd vote which Reveals All the Walmarts and targets and stores of the like that are using their profits to fund, eliminating religious liberties also don’t forget to set your alarm for 8 p.m. every night to pray for our country.
You are so right.If they believed in doing right,they wouldn’t allow men in women’s bathrooms.They will not change until they hurt financially.
Then you have to boycott ALL business that all transgender people to choose what bathroom to use…
Barnes and Noble
Time Warner
Coca Cola
American Airlines (Most
Airlines actually)
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Home Depot
Just to name a few…
As someone from a major city (originally) trans have been using my bathroom for a loooong time. Rather than hate and boycott, I think Traci’s list has some fantastic ideas.
So on Target!! The Holy Spirit often reminds me of taking care of my own home – inside those four walls. Specifically how I treat my body and speak to those closest to me.
Thank you for the strong words of grace and love.
I’m constantly learning and growing. I’m not the person I was 10 years ago and I will not be the same person 10 years from now (by God’s grace). May He continue to shine through us. Thanks Kathy!
So basically you want an excuse to keep shopping at the most awesome store ever. Why shouldn’t your post be…. Things I intend to do while boycotting Target. Do you know how much love you can show in Planned Parenthood while you’re waiting for your yearly checkup….. Wait, that doesn’t work so well.
No. I don’t make decisions based on excuses.
DG, you hit the nail on the head!
I SO agree with you!!! Boycotting has long been understood as a way of letting your voice be heard by withholding their reason for existing (money.)
Thank you.
You’re welcome
Naive article. Ur mommy intuition may fail u as ur kid is being molested.
I’d probably just opt to use the family bathroom and go in with my children.
You ought to do all that and boycott, too.
To each their own. Follow the Spirit’s lead.
I wholeheartedly beleive that if Jesus was here on this Earth today that He would still shop at Target. I refuse to boycott and I want to be obedient and follow Him inside. When Jesus walked the Earth, He was perfect and completely blameless. Jesus is a man who is pro-community. No matter who He came in contact with, they were a sinner (no matter how little or great or different or sexual the sin). Jesus was proactive in the flesh. He was going to the broken and the lost ON PURPOSE to make Himself known and to set people free from their iniquities. I believe God is the same God yesterday, today, and forever and if we are calling ourselves followers of Him, we need to be willing to follow Him to the ends of the Earth even if it is uncomfortable. Jesus doesnt want us to always be comfortable. He didn’t promise us that. With the big picture of the world, I think Target should be considered a comfortable place. Some families and communties on the other side of the world are walking out on their front porch watching bombs fall down on homes and people 2 streets over. That’s a real issue and that is something to be uncomfortable about. Also, Jesus loves unlike any of us can comprehend. His 2 greatest commandments are to love Him and love our neighbor (and this includes our LGBT neighbors). How does anyone see the Father without geniune love. God still sees me and still loves me the same in the middle of my sin. God is calling us to love our neighbors that way. I almost feel ashamed to identify as a Christian because of the way that Christians respond when something of the world happens. Christians are constantly standing around wondering why the world gets worse every day, yet are staying in the comfortable zones of their life; their home, their workplace, their church, ect. I’m thankful that I dont worship Christianity, but I worship God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirt. Thank you for being BOLD and HONEST in this post. It gives me faith in God, faith in humanity, and faith in a few who identify as a Christian or Christ Follower.
God Bless♡
God Bless you. Thanks for your beautiful heart and words.
I couldnt agree more.
I try to put everything in perspective and TRY to live how Jesus would…buy showing love and compassion to those who need it the most. I don’t think Jesus would be running around today yelling at Target managers and cutting up his “Red Card” to post on facebook.
Thanks for your thoughts Liz.
I bet Jesus wouldn’t be spending His money there though…
So how are you gonna respond when a man walks in the restroom behind you and your daughter? How ya gonna explain that one away?
In love I suppose.
We’ll just use the family bathroom…
But He didn’t do business with the money changers and merchants at the temple. He kicked them out.
to my knowledge that was within the temple… Matthew 21:12 12Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13“It is written,” he said to them, “ ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’e but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’f ”
Jesus would not have gone in a women’s bathroom-that’s all you need to know.
I think it’s important to do all of these things AND to do the best you can to be a faithful steward of your money and make sure it’s not supporting things it shouldn’t be supporting. This list..and faithfully stewarding your money–they aren’t mutually exclusive.
I typed out several responses that tried to convey what you just said. I read your response and just deleted mine. Thank you for putting this into words for me.
Amen, Michelle! I was going to post the same thing, but you’ve already said it so well. Those of us boycotting are still praying, loving, seeking wisdom, raising our children, speaking with love, etc. It’s indeed possible to do both. I would also maintain that it is an act of hate, not love, to affirm, enable and celebrate mental illness or any condition or behavior that I believe to be physically, emotionally, or spiritually harmful, And I believe transgederism is harmful to those who embrace it. And I believe that Jesus would also, while loving the person, call out behavior that is harmful. That’s what I”m doing with my boycott.
Well said, Susan! I think some people have the mentality that if we just love them enough and think enough happy thoughts this will all just go away.
God’s love is what will change a human heart. It’s pretty amazing because He does the work, not man.
for all who are interested there is an app 2nd vote which Reveals All the Walmarts and targets and stores of the like that are using their profits to fund, eliminating religious liberties also don’t forget to set your alarm for 8 p.m. every night to pray for our country.
Right on.
Then you have to boycott ALL business that all transgender people to choose what bathroom to use…
Barnes and Noble
Time Warner
Coca Cola
American Airlines (Most
Airlines actually)
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Home Depot
Just to name a few…
As someone from a major city (originally) trans have been using my bathroom for a loooong time. Rather than hate and boycott, I think Traci’s list has some fantastic ideas.
There’s more of a chance of your children being molested in their own back yard, at a friend’s home, on a playground or in their own bedroom than in a bathroom at Target. Stupid paranoid people, grow up!
No, not paranoid. Don’t tell me how I feel. It’s not “fear” to act with wisdom and prudence.
Obviously you have your head in the sand. Goggle sexual assaults in Target bathrooms. There are many documented cases going back several years that were prosecuted and are a matter of public record.
Funny. The people that support all the off the wall stuff that is becoming the norm will fight till their dying breath to force their worldview on us . They don’t give up and corporations like politicians are so afraid of being labeled racist, homophobic, narrow, bigoted, etc etc etc that they immediately give in. Not so with the average joe and josephine. We aren’t about to give up our kid’s favorite cereal just because the manufacturer gives to planned parenthood or boycott all that cute stuff at target because more deviant behavior is shoved down our throats. Nah, we’ll cover it with stuff like Jesus would still shop at Target (SAY WHAT????) and other spiritual things so we can look like we’re so high and above the fray when really, we just don’t want to fight evil; we don’t want to be called names; and worst of all, we don’t want to have to change our own shopping habits and give up anything . We’ll show the corporations that we will not do anything to defend what is right so why wouldn’t they just go with the special interests who don’t give a damn about bathrooms but who want you and me to embrace their life style, feel guilty that we aren’t gay or lesbian or bisexual or transwhatever the hell you want to say. There will be more. You foolish people. They will make it against the law to criticize. To speak out against that which violates your beliefs . And then you will cry and moan about how everything has changed. Turn your kids over to satan, ladies . Your children will be and are being indoctrinated by the State and you fools just sit there and run to Target for your latest white trash designer wear…………
Target doesn’t get my money lol I don’t shop there anyways and I understand everything people are saying the dos and the don’t I think I will just have my family use the rest room at home and if they have to go I’ll find a store that just has a one person unit in it! But I will pray for those adults that love to shop and the child is jumping up and down shouting to use the restroom and they will not stop shopping to personally take them so they just send them on their own. I’m not a band wagon person but I will not give money to companies that out right come against my beliefs and my savior. Am I saying Target is one of them no I’m just saying they are not making their customers feel safe to use their bathrooms anymore. But in saying all that this was a great article thanks
I agree wholeheartedly, Traci. And the questions I would ask to those who are challenging us to be good stewards of the funds God has given us are these: How often do you get your morning caffeine fix at Starbucks? Do you shop for home improvement items at Home Depot? Have you flown anywhere in a Boeing jet? Do you own an I-Phone or other I-product? Do you shop on Amazon or pay with any of the top credit card companies? Because all of these companies also openly support LGBTQ issues. Yes, you should listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and do what you feel God is calling you to do, but if you are going to boycott Target, that is only one of HUNDREDS of companies that you should also be boycotting. Boycotting all of the companies that do not agree with us on this one agenda alone would make it almost impossible for Christians to do any type of business in this world, and while we are called to not be OF this world, we are called to be IN it. We are called to be a light IN the darkness, and I doubt that many lost souls are seeing light in this dark world when our own outrage and rights become the focus of such a boycott.
Thanks Melissa!
A Christian’s life should already have these wonderful qualities in place, and be always working to improve in these areas. Then they will desire to support righteousness in their nation including this boycott. Boycotting is a tangible way to show the love of Christ working in our lives, and to use our voices for calling others to righteousness. I feel that the points in this article are very good points, but they are brought forward as an “either/or” paradigm. The truth is that the boycott should flow out of these points, which would be a “both/and” paradigm. Articles like these are meant to stymie the desire of Christians to participate in a very effective consumer tool, to make Christians feel unworthy and ashamed to boycott. Yet those who are of the liberal mindset do not hesitate to use boycotts to get their point across. Let’s use all the tools that God has given us, keeping Him at the center of our lives. The title and point of this article should have been, “Ten things I am doing WHILE I boycott Target.”
Thanks for commenting Sally. This is what I’ve chosen to do. If you, after praying about it, choose to do these things AND boycott, so be it. God is Sovereign and it will all work out for His glory. It wasn’t meant to be an either/or paradigm. You can certainly do both if you choose. This was a post about what I need to work on in my own life first. Blessings to you.
Thank you for your response. God has not transported us in to Glory yet, partly because He wants to use us as salt in the world. I’m so glad He uses those who are not perfect yet. Blessings to you as well.
To all of those that think boycotting is the way to go please read the attached article and then leave the Internet. Otherwise you aren’t being fully faithful if the reason to boycott Target is because of their support for a group of people that you don’t agree with.
And to Traci way to think for yourself through the Lord’s guidance.
thanks Becky!
I’ve shopped at two other stores 4 times since this story broke and will keep doing so, and I pray, trust God, I am aware (not buying the intuition thing), ask for wisdom, educate my kids, communicate grace, examine my own heart, spend my money wisely and love my neighbors (that last point doesn’t make sense — if we all lived by that ethic no positive, God-honoring change would ever happen anywhere bc we ALWAYS have stuff to change). Isn’t this whole article a non-sequitur? Can’t you do all those 10 things and still shop somewhere else? Why is it either-or?
You sure can do both, if that’s what you feel is right for you. That’s why I wrote “10 things I’m doing”…. it doesn’t have to be either or… listen to the Spirit and follow in obedience.
Love it 🙂 How refreshing and inspiring. Thank you!
Thank you!
Why not “both and?” These 10 things are what all of us as Believers should be doing – as well as taking a stand on your principles if the Lord so leads. It’s not an “either or” here.
You are right. It doesn’t have to be either or. This is what I’m doing instead, led by the Spirit.
Yes Traci, and I’m glad you are acting as the Spirit leads. But I’m also confident there are those led by the Spirit that are participating in the boycott – sometimes we have to take a stand. There are those that would read into your post an inference that if one participates in the boycott then they’re doing the 10 things you mentioned. That’s why I said they’re not necessarily independent of one another; it may be a “both and.”
Thank you for your courage and your heart for Christ! Like you, I can relate to many MANY things about my own heart and life that need to be changed. <3
I am sorry that so many have blasted your decision. We each have to listen to the Holy Spirit who resides in us and follow His leading. To be honest, I'm not sure exactly how I want to handle this issue yet. I am praying about it and waiting for God to speak to my heart.
I'm not a real frequent Target shopper anyway and as some posters have pointed out on this thread, many other businesses are also allowing people to use whatever bathroom they identify with. I do believe we are to set the bar for righteousness and point people to Christ but, then again, He chose to dine with tax collectors and other sinners while He was ministering on Earth.
Definitely a matter for thought and prayer. Thank you for your transparency and for your lovely heart.
God bless you~
You sound like a true Christian. May God bless you abundantly for sharing this wisdom and for putting love before haste and hate.
Hi Traci!
First off, I commend you on sharing your heart on a very controversial topic ☺️. I pretty much agree with what you said, as well as agreeing with a lot of other comments made (does that make me “wishy washy” on the subject? ?
My main concern is for children/young people who do not/have not been raised in a loving, caring home by parents who would do anything to protect them. I speak from experience – our world is no safer now than it was years ago. You are right, boycotting Target will not change the habits of those who want to harm others. So when you/we pray, ask God to protect those who are in harm’s way or that do not have anyone in their lives to care for, love and protect them.
Keep sharing, Traci!
As a Target employee who happens to also be a Christian I want to say first of all I do not support the decision Target has made to publicly throw this policy in the face of their quests. I would also like to point out the not so obvious which is that Target as a corporation is not suffering from the boycott, but rather the hourly employees who are just trying to support their families and pay their bills, our hours are what is being butchered not the corporate big wigs who make the decisions without consulting those of us on the front line. I have been screamed at cussed out and told that I am going to hell all because I can’t find another job in the current economy. Target has a private family bathroom which I myself choose to use until this issue can be settled and it has always served the purpose of special needs whether it be a family with a small child, a handicapped individual who needs help or someone that just isn’t sure which bathroom they should go into. When in doubt keep it private in these restrooms which are provided at most stores. Rather than your judgment and hateful calls to the store I simply ask for your prayers for those of us who are caught between this rock and a very hard place.
You listed some very good things that Christians can do, and I appreciate that. However, I am very practical. When it comes down to it, do I want my five-year-old granddaughter to see a person who looks kind of like mommy, but sounds like daddy, in the women’s rest room? How do you explain that to a five-year-old? Will she come to think of it as normal? Are we being asked to accept it as normal?
And what about predators? Even if I go into the rest room, can I always protect my child? There are a lot of “what if’s” and I’m not paranoid. I know there is a very low percentage of people who think they’re a different sex from their birth state. These are genuinely mixed-up people who need serious care. I feel compassion for them.
But like the Temple thieves, they must not be permitted to harm, in any way, me or my child. There are psychological implications in this situation. How do I react if I see a transgender person in the ladies’ room? Should I just turn around and go out? Should I quietly tell him that I do not believe he should be in there? Frankly, I don’t know, but I do know that I would not be yelling and cursing him. It would be embarrassing to me, because I am not accustomed to using the bathroom with a man anywhere around. Is my discomfort worth his comfort?
These are all questions to which I do not have all the answers. I am a Christian, have been for most of my life (a long life) and I do not wish to hurt anyone. I do all those things Traci mentioned in her blog anyway. It does not affect Target, but it does affect my eternal destiny that I live my life in compliance with God’s law, not man’s law. I will do the best I can to continue living as I always have. But I will not openly support Target, Planned Parenthood, or any other organization if I can help it.
And no, I can’t boycott every business listed. Right now, Target is the “target.” Christians should take a stand for right. How do we do that? Say nothing? Sorry, Jesus said men would despise us for our faith, and they can’t do that if I’m silent.
What a sad state for our country.
I agree with a lot of what she said. I haven’t read up on the Target issue, just heard they were going with unisex bathrooms. But I wanted to comment on her naive idea that if she teaches her children re: protecting themselves and age appropriate discussions, that is not enough. People, (boys, girls, men, women of ALL ages) are being sexually assaulted, and murdered every day! It doesn’t matter if you say no, scream for help or otherwise. If they have a weapon or whatever means they use to subdue you, you will be harmed. Sometimes there is no one around who can help. Sitting back and saying nothing when decisions are made that are just unwise, is allowing all kinds of dangerous situations. As Christians we should stand up and be heard and fight for what is right. You don’t have to be nasty to be heard.