Dear New Mom.
I want you to take a deep breath and exhale. Release all that stress of needing to get this mothering thing perfect. You won’t be perfect at it, but you can do your best with God’s help. Everyone says this time will fly by, but you feel the days dragging and your sleepless nights catching up to you.
You can do your best at holding to a schedule, but kids have a way of shaking things up. You are not failing! Trying to weed through all the advice that’s being thrown your way can be emotionally draining. Do you feel your head spinning from it all? I want you to know that you are an amazing Mommy! God chose that little child to be in YOUR family for a purpose. Can you see how motherhood is refining you already? Those sleepless nights are for a moment. Craving your sleep, your “me time”, and your freedom will one day be gone. Your home will be empty and you will crave the noise and the hustle and bustle of the days when you were raising little ones. Enjoy every moment!
Motherhood is a blessing. It’s a high calling. But it’s not selfish to make time for yourself. You don’t have to lose “YOU” in the midst of it all. Do the things you love. Make time to visit with friends and go out to eat with your husband. It’s okay and it is good. You will be a better Mommy for making that investment!
Your life isn’t over; it’s just begun!
When you cry heavy tears into your pillow at night because you can’t figure out how to soothe your baby, God is there.
When you feel inadequate to mother and are ashamed of the emotions you are feeling, lay it at God’s feet. He understands.
When you miss the days you could pick up and go anywhere and everywhere, allow God to help you fall in love with your new normal.
You will soon find that your new normal is your jam. Motherhood is hard and beautiful and glorious all at the same time.
Keep on loving that little one and allow God to give you grace to fill the spaces where you feel like you are messing up. You aren’t… you are right where you belong!
Beautifully written…and all so true! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks Alison! I appreciate your kind words.
Beautiful! I sent this to my daughter who is mom of an 9 month old daughter ?
Thanks Katy! I pray it blesses her heart!