Linking with the Five Minute Friday Community
STILL! Still with these dreadful fruit flies? I had done the home kits to remove fruit flies with no luck. I was beginning to get a nervous fruit fly tic. I’m now positive it’s a real thing. Every time I would see another one flying in front of my face, I began to morph into gang buster fruit fly mode. Mom, what are you doing? Killing these dumb fruit flies! In a spastic like fashion, I’d swat in the air over and over until the little guy came falling to the counter, lifeless. Die! Die! Die! Yes, it’s made me a little cray cray.
This morning, as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I noticed a swarm around a certain area on my counter. It was the corner section, near my sink. Light bulb! So I began pushing aside my knife set, spoon canister, toaster, and ……………….. aaaaaaaahhhhaaaa! Ewwwwwwww, what’s that smell?! There was a sticky film on the counter, and on my pretty glass cutting board. It smelled like fermented apple cider vinegar. I must have spilled some back there and never noticed.
All these weeks of trying to get rid of those blasted fruit flies wasn’t working because they were attracted to the hidden source! Apple cider vinegar!
Some Important Lessons To Be Learned Here
1) We can clean up sin, moment by moment, but if we don’t tackle the source of sin’s attraction in our life, we’ll constantly be swatting the air!
2) Sin can sometimes be hidden. We need to do some cleaning up, shifting over, and evaluating the surface of our heart.
3) Follow the swarm! Follow the swarm that sin seems to camp out in our life. Ask yourself, in what areas do I keep coming back to?
4) Sin will tire us out. Without targeting the source of our sin, getting cleaned up and repenting of it, we will constantly grow weary of trying to tackle our many moments of weakness.
5) Trying to solve the problem from without won’t work long term. We must always get to the core of the struggle with sin. We all sin when we choose to engage in and be carried away by the lust of the eyes, flesh, and pride of life.
James 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Nice illustration! And it is so true!
(Found you through the five minute friday link up!)
I feel your pain with the flies. I live in a very old farmhouse and we have lot of flies that have made our home somewhere that we can’t find! They are even surviving our below freezing temps right now!
good word!!!
Gang buster fruit fly mode.. I may resemble that remark on occasion. LOL Great analogy. Found you on FMF. 🙂