Listen to the news. Or maybe you’d rather stab your eye with a fork? That might be more pleasant. Let’s face it, this world is not getting better. Here are eight ways to have peace in an uncertain world:
1) Hold fast to a biblical world view.
Without a proper and biblical world view, this world looks utterly hopeless. Sin is rampant, broken homes are becoming the norm, and peace is hard to find. God’s will is that all men will repent and come to the saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus. This world is not our home, and its father is the devil. But God’s light and love shines brightest in the darkness. As a Christian, it can be tempting to become discouraged. But don’t retreat! We are in a war, a spiritual battle, each and every day. Sometimes the battle is within your own four walls of the home. Are you tempted to choose to walk in your flesh instead of submitting yourself to the Spirit of God today? The battleground of your home needs prayed over first and foremost. So right now, kneel down and pray. Touch your hand to the soil of your home and pray for God to redeem the ways the devil has tried to destroy. Pray for Him to cause beauty to rise from the ashes that sin has sought to leave in that heaping pile of dust.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
2) Remind yourself that God is sovereign.
God is sovereign. Above all else, God is sovereign. Repeat after me, God – is – Sovereign. This means that He is above all and is greater than all and will see that His plan and purposes are fulfilled. Are you submitting to God’s plan today? What areas do you need to trust Him more? When we say out loud, you are Sovereign, Lord, it can and will bring enormous peace in uncertain times.
“The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
3) Remember that you have never had control.
You and I like to think we have control. Control over details, our family, our body, our home, our …. but we need to realize that we have never really had control of our life. My next breath is a gift from God. I don’t even have control over that. Most of my issues stem from a desire to have control. Wouldn’t you say this is true your life? When we feel like we are losing control over an area in our life, we panic. There is no room for the peace of God, where we are not willing to sacrifice our control issues. One of the biggest control issues we deal with is the desire to be right. Lay it down on the altar today.
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
4) Don’t fear what man can do to you.
There are so many what if’s in life? With news about war, child predators, sexual trafficking, the spread of Ebola, and Isis is enough to want to go inside and hide under a rock. It’s important to have a healthy balance of common sense and good judgement. There are places we shouldn’t hang out at night. Like scary, dark alleys or Chuck E Cheeses. Yeah, stay far away from there. But don’t stop serving God or being obedient to Him or speaking up for truth because you are scared of what man can do to you. Don’t fear man, put your trust in God. You are never more safe and secure than inside the will of your Heavenly Father.
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28
5) His plans for you are for your good and His glory.
Did you know that God wants good for you, and not harm. For His glory and honor! Some might think this means that God wants everyone to be a millionaire, with perfect health, and without any earthly struggles. No, this is not true. Trust God for He knows what the good is for YOU. We can trust in Him, even in the hurt.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
6) Find your security in Christ, not in this world.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up into the comforts of this world. The day to day to-d0-lists, the sports and dance classes your children attend, our marriages, even church ministry and activities can get your motives skewed. Our security needs to be in Christ alone. This world has nothing for us to find security in.
“Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save.” Psalm 146:3
7) Infuse your very soul with God’s truth.
Right thinking is huge! Get it into your minds and hearts. All the time. However that can happen. Have you ever been there? So discouraged and depressed and once you open God’s Word and remember His truth, your outlook and perspective changes in an instant! His Word is living and powerful. So infuse yourself with it! Listen to it, read it, say it, meditate on it, and live it! Our children are looking to us as the example.
“You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3
8) Don’t fall in love with money.
We need money to survive, but some of the most joy-filled believers have little of it! Chasing after the American Dream has left mankind impoverished. It has left us empty, drug-addicted, suicidal people, because nothing fills the soul like Christ does.
“I have been young, and now am old,
yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
or his children begging for bread.” Psalm 23:25
AMEN! Good stuff!
Thanks friend.