I’m okay with good. It’s comfortable and familiar and safe. But good isn’t good enough. Good doesn’t push me forward, it keeps me stagnant.
Stagnant water grows a putrid film on the top of it. Have you ever seen a murky body of water, with that pea green foamy film on the top of it?
Can you smell it? Don’t you just want to jump in and splash away?
ummmmmm, no thanks…
That’s how our life is when we are satisfied with good.
Are you ready to stop living a life that’s good and strive for GREAT?
Stop being satisfied with GOOD and strive for GREAT!
This is what great looks like. A free flowing, clean, vibrant body of water.
1) DETERMINE that you aren’t satisfied with good.
2) GET UP and do something that moves you forward.
3) SAY NO to negative words that get you down (from others and yourself.)
4) STOP making excuses for why you can’t. You can.
5) MAKE SMALL changes every day. At least you aren’t standing still.
6) DON’T let failure allow you to give up; it’s just a little bump in the road.
7) SPEAK truth to yourself and stop telling yourself lies.
8) SMILE a lot more and enjoy your life.
9) ENCOURAGE someone else along your journey to GREAT.
10) REMEMBER where your strength comes from!
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