God loves the hot mess crew. The ones that know they don’t have it all together. So bare your soul before the one who already knows it inside out and upside down. He just wants you to come…
I’m the messy one in our marriage. My dresser drawers look like clumps of clothes while my husband’s drawers are neatly folded followed by a precise pattern.
I call myself a messy-organized person. Do you get it? Most of the time I thrive on organization, but my junk drawer is overflowing and my piles of paper are never ending. I get spurts of the organization fever, but they only come in spurts.
In my mess, God never misplaces anything. He’s got me and never forgets where something is. While I may misplace my keys in my bottomless, cluttered purse, or forget where I put that all important piece of paper, He never forgets where He’s got me right now.
He is holding me safe in His arms a midst my mess. For in my mess, I eventually remember that I’m a mess because I need Him.
Once again, bare and open before Him I lay it all out, plead that I need His help, and He scoops me back up and gently says,
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stopping over from Lisa-Jo’s 🙂 I love everything about this, I can relate with the description of the dresser drawers; I, too, am the messy in our marriage.
Excellent reminder that He is never a mess, acknowledges our mess, and loves in all of it anyway. I love the poem too.