Even after losing 45 pounds and becoming a coach with The Grace And Strength Lifestyle, I still struggle. Some days are good, some days are bad. That’s life. I will never arrive. Yes, I’ve found amazing freedom in the area of food addiction. I’ve come so far.
Learning your weaknesses means facing the fact that you may struggle for a lifetime. You may be learning for a lifetime. I’m okay with that. I love learning, and God is never done with His children. He loves us to much to leave us alone in our mess.
As I was watching television last night, something was said that really cut to the core of me. They were talking about the devestation that storms and can cause, specifically hurricaine Sandy. The genetlemans home was almost completely and utterly destroyed. He said,
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Amazing post Traci – thank you for sharing and I am sure touching everyone who reads it!! All women need to know that truth deep down! thanks for the reminder 🙂
What a beautiful, heartfelt post Traci. Thanks for being transparent…and for being such an inspiration to folks like me who struggle with this every day. God bless you richly!
Thanks for sharing this post, Traci. I recently hit the 40 pounds lost mark. And while I’m happy and proud about that, these last 10-15 pounds I want to lose have been getting me down. I’ve been struggling with eating foods I thought I had kicked months ago. Thanks for the reminder that I’m not alone, and that I can overcome this!
I’ve heard that 95% of diets fail (ie quit) in the first few months, and 80% of those fuaeirls result in a rebound where the dieter actually gains back more weight than they lost. I’m not sure if the numbers are accurate, but it certainly seems to be about right from my experience.