I’m not a runner, but I have run in a 5k. One. Uno. With a horribly humble time of 41 minutes, but I did it! The thrill of people whizzing by me towards a common destination spurred me on. When my endurance was failing, I pushed through. Up that steep hill I thought I might die, right then and there.
As I crossed the finish line, I collapsed onto worn grass where only dirt was left. Sweat pouring down, off my cherry-red face, I smiled. My heart raced throughout my pulsing body and I thought it just might escape out of my throat.
Accomplishing a goal that I had set for myself felt great! Was it hard? Oh yes. Was it worth it? One thousand times yes.
This race called the christian life is filled with straight paths, downhill reprieves, and uphill battles. It’s not always easy and sometimes I feel like quitting as my endurance fails; but my strength is in the Lord.
Hebrews 12:1 says this, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”
Today, I want to strip off every weight that is slowing me down. Each stronghold. Every addiction that idolizes my agenda verses my Jesus’s agenda. Only then will I have the endurance to finish the race well that God has set before me. Will you?
Linking with Five Minute Friday Posts….
Im so proud of u sweetheart, u go girl 🙂
🙂 love it!!
The first one is always the hardest. I can survive a 75 mile bike ride, but when it comes to running/jogging, I’m always the one “Walking Quickly for a Cure.”
But you proved that you could do it, and that’s all that matters. Way to go!
Jenni (visiting from FMF)
Go you.
Yes, I want to too.
LOVE THIS!!!! THank you!!!!!