Look beyond her crooked smile,
her plastered on grin,
her eyes bright with light…
For sometimes there are fears within
and hurts that run deep that only when
we stop and look… can we really see her hurt.
Because we all have hurt…
it’s a common thread we have as human beings.
Hurt is not a respecter of persons and touches
the beggar on the street to the well-dressed politician.
So don’t be in such a hurry that you miss
beyond the surface…
She wants you to see her. She wants you to look.
Who will you see today? Who could you possibly
throw a life raft to this day?
Perhaps it’s you that needs the saving? I see you!
Thanks for visiting!
Oh, what a sweet surprise to click on the link before me on FMF and find YOU! My beautiful friend!!! And what a lovely perfect post. Can I just tell you how blessed I am to have you in my life? I am so thankful that God crossed our paths and that we now get to share life together.
What a beautiful reminder to stop and look beyond the surface. Thank you for this encouraging FMF post to really look!
Tug at my heart!!!Beautiful!!
Your encouragement to see each other’s hurts puts me in mind of how it feels when my pain is seen: the feeling of too much exposure and so much relief all at once. Caring and being cared for is hard work.
Thanks for sharing this.
Touching post.
Wonderful words!
My best regards from Romania and happy weekend!
This is so beautiful and such a powerful message. It reminds me of the song by Casting Crowns that goes “Does anybody hear her, does anybody see….” Thanks for the reminder to look beyond the surface to the heart.
Just a lovely thought to remember to look. It is important thought to look beyond the face and into the heart.
Traci, really love the look of your blog! So excited to meet up with you at Allume and talk about how great you can make my blog look:) Beautiful post, so glad I came by to read it! Blessings, Leslie. (www.besimplybetter.com)