The Lord has a way of slowing me down. He allows my line to be spun across blue, rippling waters. The sun shines down upon me as I toss to and fro. The ebb and flow of each wave of life allows me to bob up and down as I let the currant take me.
Life’s demands.
Endless pursuits.
Vain ambitions.
For that’s what life is if we don’t acknowledge that He is the very central point of our existence.
I say that He is my creator, but do I believe that He is my life sustainer?
I say that He is sovereign, but do I believe that He directs my uncertain future?
I say that He is in control, but do I let Him have His way today?
I say that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, but do I believe He deserves access to my bank account?
I say that He is the author of time itself, but do I withhold and hoard the hours of my day all to myself, or give my time as an offering to Him?
Is He trying to slow your heart down today? Stop and listen; then obey. His ways are perfect and He has the BEST in mind for YOU!
Thanks for visiting!
Beautiful post. I am sharing it. It is good for us all to ponder these things.
Great thoughts to ponder…letting them convict my heart now.
I so needed this one today. I Pinned it so that I can have it always!
I agree with Donna! This is a beautiful post. The part about hoarding all my time for myself really steps on my toes today.
Some powerful thoughts and I will ponder on them. I know that I need slow down and listen to the spirit direct me more. When we are too busy we probably don’t hear His still small voice.