The winner is……….
For Girls: (retails 16.99) My daughter has this bible and she LOVES it! It’s so neat to see her start to read and pick up this fun and sparkly Bible as her “book” of choice! Get a sneak peak here: VIEW
God’s Little Princess® Devotional Bible – Teach your little princess to learn and grow in the Lord with this best-selling devotional for girls.
*ages 4-7
*one of the most popular devotional Bibles of all time
*Storybook format includes actual International Children’s Bible® text
*Updated cover with exciting embellishments, glitter, and bling
God’s Mighty Warrior® Devotional Bible – This popular devotional Bible teaches boys how to be the mighty warriors God created them to be.
*ages 4-7
*Engaging content appeals to boys’ imaginations and love of adventure
*Storybook format includes actual International Children’s Bible® text
*Updated cover with eye-catching embellishments
*ages 4-7
*Engaging content appeals to boys’ imaginations and love of adventure
*Storybook format includes actual International Children’s Bible® text
*Updated cover with eye-catching embellishments
(for that special daughter/son, niece/nephew, granddaughter/grandson in your life)
1) To enter, simply leave a comment telling me which bible you would like to win and why.
2) Extra entries each place/time you share this giveaway. (twitter, fb, email, blog, etc)
Thanks for visiting!
babiiblu says
I would LOVE to get the Little Princess one for Elayna. As a new reader she would love to have a special Bible…especially a pink sparkly one!!
babiiblu says
Not sure my other comment went thru, but I’d love to get a Little Princess one for Elayna. As a new reader she would LOVE to have a special Bible…especially a pink sparkly one!
Amanda says
I would love to win the Mighty Warriors Bible. I think my little one on the way will enjoy it a few years from now.
Dana Dawn Calverette says
I would love to win either one of these devotional Bibles! I have two boys and two girls and they would come in very handy to add to our home school curriculum, especially for the younger boy and girl. Trying to instill good habits now!
Dana Dawn Calverette says
{p.s. I shared on facebook and my blog~ }
Elise Klicko says
Hi Traci! I would LOVE to win either or. Im not sure which to pick because I have a boy and a girl. I am going to go with the Girl one, though, since my son received one at church! I shared your giveaway on my blog, too!!!! 🙂
Kendra says
LOve the Mighty Warriors as I am raising 3 (ages 7, 5 and almost 3). This momma needs ALL the help I can get!!!
Kendra says
I would love to win the Warriors one I am raising 3 warriors (ages 7, 5 and almost 3). This momma needs ALL the help I can get!!!
tracy says
I have 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl and would be blessed to receive either devotional….
Christy B says
I would love to win the princess bible for my Isabella! She would love it and I would have so much fun reading it with her 🙂
paulak says
Love the pink on for Gods Princess’s. My nieces need to know how much God loves them!
Stephanie says
We have a 4 yr old daughter who would LOVE the princess one. 🙂
Trisha Goddard says
I would love to get either one – as I have 2 boys and a daughter! I know that my daughter would use it more, so I shall say “The Little Princess” devotional Bible. Thanks!
Ps. I’ve shared it on my fb page too:
Trisha Goddard says
I have a 2 sons and a daughter, but I would like the Little Princess for my daughter! Thanks and I’ve shared it on my facebook page as well.
09604270-d274-11e1-a07a-000bcdcb5194 says
I would love either Bible I have 2 young granddaughters that would just love the Princess one and one of them has just learned to read a little bit more and can read full sentences and paragraphs if it is something that she likes. And I know she loves the Lord and maybe this will really encourange her to read more often.
I also have 2 grandsons one 7 one 8. I would love nothing more than knowing that they are reading the bible than some of the stories that are out there for our children. Teaching them the love of Jesus Christ is the greatest reading we can ever give them.
God bless and thank you
Your Sister in Christ
Kelli S says
I would love to win the girls bible. We have 3 girls and our oldest is entering 2nd grade and can fully read now. She would love to read on her own and also read to her 2 younger sisters.
Mrs. Pancakes says
What a great giveaway…would love to win the boy devotional.
Kelly says
I would love to get one for my youngest, she is quite the little princess.
carolyn bassett says
Gods Mighty Warrior Devotional Bible, is the one I really would like to win. It would be our 3 year olds first Bible. His name us Danny and he is a joy.
Danielle says
My son is going to kindergarten this next year and is always pretending to be “in God’s army”. I would love to win the Mighty Warriors Bible!
Lilla says
I would like to win the girl-one, because my daughter just got to the age when she can read for herself.
Lilla says
I would like to win the girl-one, because my daughter just got to the age when she can read for herself.
Lilla says
I emailed three friends and copied it to you too.
Lilla says
I tweeted about this.
Lilla says
I shared this link on FB
decek says
My daughter is 4 and we would love to have a Little Princess one for Johanna. She loves pink:)
decek says
We would like to have a nice sparkly Little Princess one to our daughter Johanna.
decek says
Hello I am Bernadett from, Hungary. We would be very happy to win one for our daughter Johanna.
Anonymous says
My son just turned 4. I would love to win the Mighty Warrior one for him.
erinb1 at aol dot com
Jalynn says
My son Thomas wants to be a preacher when he grows up. So I’m sure he would love to win the Mighty Warrior Bible.
A. Smith says
I would love to win the pink Little Princess Bible for my daughter so she can have a beautiful keepsake of the most powerful and precious messages of all time. Thank you.
asmithonline at yahoo dot ca
A. Smith says
I shared with my friends on facebook – Amber Smith
asmithonline at yahoo dot ca
A. Smith says
I tweeted your giveaway – asmithonline
asmithonline at yahoo dot ca
A. Smith says
Tweeted your giveaway again
asmithonline at yahoo dot ca
A. Smith says
Facebook share – Amber Smith
asmithonline at yahoo dot ca