I read about tornado cleaning over at Sarah Mae’s blog and it was definitely time to do some today. It took 45 minutes to clean 4 rooms and here are some before and after pictures below.
Here’s what I did:
1) Turned on some music: Casting Crowns CD.
2) Put everything back in its rightful place.
3) Swept floors and cleaned off table.
4) Unloaded and loaded the dish washer.
5) Cleaned kids bedroom- the kids and I made the beds. It was their job to put everything that was theirs on top of their bed and get everything under the beds out. We then put everything away.
Do you need to do some tornado cleaning? Read about it HERE!
Thanks for visiting!
Heather says
Wow, that is amazing! I’m feeling inspired. 🙂
Sarah Mae says
WOOT WOOT! Great job!!!!!
Sarah Mae says
WOOT WOOT! Looks great!
dayebydaye says
Nice job, Traci!!! Love this concept. And we definitely need to do this. Especially with all of the end of school year stuff that just got dumped!
Thanks for sharing and lovely home!!!!
Christy B says
I love the before and afters! I usually resort to tornado cleaning right before someone is coming over, lol. Great job Traci. I love the picture at the end with Grant reaching up on Riley’s bed for something 🙂 He’s getting so big!
Donna says
I laughed when I saw you had done some “tornado cleaning” – I came home the other day and promised myself I would do “tornado cleaning” before I allowed myself to sit down and put my feet up. I was amazed at how much I got done! I plan on being a tiny tornado EVERY day now!
By the way – noticed your purse on the counter…I saw on Dr. Oz the other day that this is a bad idea. (Actually, I had heard this before.) Our purses are a hotbed of germs! A better plan is to hang it on a doorknob – but never on our counters where we prepare food or our tables where our babies eat. I actually have a decorative hook I put up just for my purse. It hangs by the back door – actually makes it a lot easier to find and grab on my way out!
Thanks for showing your before and after – makes me love you even more cause I know you are “one of us”. LOL
LeAnn says
That was a fun post. The before and after pictures and the ones of the children were so cute. Loved this one!
Lisa says
Life always feels good when you clean; doesn’t it?!
Mega Quick Sale says
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! That’s a really good job. Very impressive. Thanks for sharing the before and after photos. They are rather inspiring. I’ve had my share of Tornado cleaning time. I really love the idea. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I don’t need to do any general cleaning anymore. Tornado cleaning is really handy when we’re having company and there’s no time for general cleaning.