He was to be away that evening; on a business trip. I begged him to come home … to make that hour and a half trip to simply sleep next to me in a warm bed, made warm by him just breathing next to me.
He assured me that it would be silly to come home… just to turn around and drive back the next morning… another hour.and.a.half.
I knew it was true. But my heart already ached for him. For my best friend.
Sometimes being away from the ones we love, even for a day, makes us appreciate what we have that much more.
No matter how long you have been married to your spouse, do you know what one of the best gifts you can give them is?
Laughter. Laughter makes the heart lighter. The burdens easier. Life worth living… hand in hand… with the ones we love.
I decided to make him laugh that day. As he was lacing up our daughter’s shoes, I sent a little side-jab his way. I poked around some more, and he doubled over in laughter. Full – out – belly – laughs.
Give your husband the gift of laughter each day. Life is hard, no doubt. There are financial struggles, health struggles, and just plain daily struggles we face to find joy in the simple things. GO. AHEAD. AND. MAKE. HIM. LAUGH.
It will make you laugh too… and your burdens that consume you, will feel a little lighter because you laughed together… even for a moment.
PROVERBS 17:22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
Thanks for visiting!
Such a true statement! I am not married but I have been with my boyfriend for a very long time. This past year has been the hardest of his life and I can see the joy in his eyes when I get silly with him and make him laugh! 🙂 So captivating!
What an endearing photo of tyou and your love.
Its true..laughter is beautiful
and lightens the heart and soul!
Sweet post!
Deborah xoxoxoox
it is! lovely post!
This is SO true! Sharing a laugh and some giggles really does help to brighten their days. Thanks for reminding me to do this today. I’ve made him smile…but forgot about the laugh! Better get on it! LOL
Great post!
Unwrapping His Grace,
Mary Joy
I love this picture, Traci! And I like the idea of making my hubby laugh everyday. Of course, he’s so used to my silliness that I will have to try extra hard. 😉
Many blessings, Traci!
Good post. One of the best things about my relationship with my husband is how easy it is to laugh together. 🙂
Thank you for this Traci… there haven’t been too many reasons for laughter around here lately. My husband is very burdened at work and now we’ve found out his mother’s cancer may be returning. This is the perfect answer on how to lighten the mood.
God bless!