Winner from last week: MELANCHOLY MAN
For this week’s Capturing Beauty photo challenge, I would love to see a picture of your favorite precious moment… it can be of a person, place or thing…
Here’s mine {my baby “first born” holding my baby}:
Okay, link away… please add the Capturing Beauty button (found here) to your post so others can follow along with the fun.
Thanks for visiting!
Chesney says
LOVE the winner…the processing is just beautiful!!!
Henrietta says
The “new” baby looks little sad, they are so adorable:)
ACRaszman says
What a beautiful moment you captured!
Just Jen says
Such a touching capture! Thank you for inviting me to join you!
Ewa says
thank you for letting me know about your photo meme, I added my photo 🙂
I’d really like if you linked up with me on Saturday with Flowers on Saturday and on MOnday with Favourite Photo Monday
Have a great week!