Whether you give your child every vaccine in the book, only do some, or choose to forgo them altogether, God is sovereign over your child’s life.
*Proverbs 19:21: Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.
* Proverbs 20:24: A person’s steps are directed by the LORD.
How then can anyone understand their own way?
1. God gave your children to you. As with anything, seek Him first with regard to vaccinations.
2. God gave your children YOU as a parent. Seek His wisdom with regard to this highly debatable topic.
3. Do your research and make the best educated decision for your family.
4. Don’t just simply trust the medical profession. Just as we shouldn’t take what a pastor says for truth, but search the scriptures out, we need to research what is best for our own children God has entrusted us with.
5. Even after doing the research, we are not the expert on the topic. Don’t act like you have all the answers and everyone else is ignorant.
6. When you come to a decision, respect other parent’s decisions, even when you whole-heartily disagree with them.
7. Trust your parental instincts… they are there for a reason.
8. It is up to us to glorify God in all we do and say. How are you glorifying God in this area?
Whether you breastfeed your children, or feed them formula,
whether you send your children to school or home educate them,
whether you vaccinate your children or choose not to,
God is Sovereign and you will be making the right choice when you seek Him first.
Matthew 6:33: Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
How then can anyone understand their own way?
1. God gave your children to you. As with anything, seek Him first with regard to vaccinations.
2. God gave your children YOU as a parent. Seek His wisdom with regard to this highly debatable topic.
3. Do your research and make the best educated decision for your family.
4. Don’t just simply trust the medical profession. Just as we shouldn’t take what a pastor says for truth, but search the scriptures out, we need to research what is best for our own children God has entrusted us with.
5. Even after doing the research, we are not the expert on the topic. Don’t act like you have all the answers and everyone else is ignorant.
6. When you come to a decision, respect other parent’s decisions, even when you whole-heartily disagree with them.
7. Trust your parental instincts… they are there for a reason.
8. It is up to us to glorify God in all we do and say. How are you glorifying God in this area?
Whether you breastfeed your children, or feed them formula,
whether you send your children to school or home educate them,
whether you vaccinate your children or choose not to,
God is Sovereign and you will be making the right choice when you seek Him first.
Matthew 6:33: Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
Thanks for visiting!
Mrs Mary Joy Pershing says
Amen, my sister! Amen!
Mrs. Stam says
Amen! I LOVE this post!!!!
Jay and Amy says
Well said!
I think the, mutually respect each other as a parent even if you disagree, is what becomes so hard for me as a nonvaxer/homeschooler. There are so many out there that become outraged at MY decisions that have absolutely no effect on them whatsoever.
Just like my decision to have 5 children, even my family was very ugly to me about the 5th pregnancy. If it had anythign to do with them, or effected them in any way, other than having another precious little one to love, then I could understand.
If me not vaxing made someone else sick, or me homeschooling made taxes go up, or something of that sort I could understand. But the only ones effected here are me and my family.
I really pray that I can avoid those that become so indignant that I am wrong and try to make me feel awful about my decisions. And I pray that I will never become someone who does the same, even in my hurt and anger.
It’s a tough thing, living in a world where everyone is a know-it-all with different opinions. LOL!
HIS daughter says
Thank you so much for this post! We are pregnant and this is something that I and my husband have to make some decisions about so thank you for the reminder to give it to the Lord and seek HIM on it 🙂
Tara McCoy says
I LOVE this post! Thanks!
Mandy says
Traci! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your post. Honestly, I saw the title on my blog (my list of blogs I read) and immediately the hair on the back of my neck stood in defense and I thought, oh alright I’ll read it just to see how much I don’t agree with her…and then…I was blessed by your grace. Thank you for being so humble on such a emotionally charged topic. I am so tired of taking heat for our family decision that it was refreshing to read your tension diffusing and unifying post. Don’t know if you have read Blogger Behave yet…but this post is a top ten! 🙂 *hugs*
Chrissy says
Thanks Traci,
I love the focus on what God wants for us…and I do believe that God gives us DIFFERENT convictions on those things that the Bible does not speak of and we need to come back to the reality that it is Jesus who saves us…vaccinations, schooling, political views and all that…they don’t save us in the end. Thank you for your grace!
Pieces of Sunshine says
What may be right for one season in our families may not hold true for all-time either. God’s grace is wonderful.
Christy B says
Great post Traci! I love it!
Kimberly says
Wonderful post!
Anonymous says
I completely agree that we should present our questions, fears, decisions to God. 100%. But at the same time, aren’t we called to be good stewards of what He has given us?
If you were given the option to raise your child in a home with walls in a nice neighborhood- don’t you think you would take that over simply raising them in an ally in the worst part of town?
As a medical professional, it breaks my heart to see parents even contemplate this issue. You have the opportunity (and the responsibility) to prevent your child from getting diseases which KILL. (It’s your choice on the chickenpox vaccine–they can suffer through that one:) )
But choosing to refrain from the hep, polio, tb, pertussis, ect. vaccines is such a devastating choice. It truly breaks my heart that parents are willingly throwing their children into the world with incredibly vulnerable immune systems- not equipped to fight the infections which can kill!
The Lord calls us to be good stewards. I believe he allows us to utilize the knowledge and progress man has made to do so.
Please vaccinate your children. Please. The only way in which I could MAYBE understand your perspective is if you know your child is walking with the Lord and you are helping them get to heaven faster.