Outer Beauty | Beauty Week 4
Sometimes making a new purchase (with your husband’s approval of course) can give us a boost when it comes to our beauty. It doesn’t have to be much (and is NOT the answer by any means). But it can help!
Don’t go crazy. Pick a time when you have a little extra cash. Be frugal, but buy something you really enjoy.
Allow your dollar to go further than just one item! Maybe go to a local thrift store. Purchase your favorite perfume? By a new pair of high heels? Whatever makes YOU, feel pretty. Maybe some new lingerie? (FYI: don’t buy lingerie at a thrift store!)
Inner Beauty | Beauty Week 4
Have realistic expectations and don’t compare yourself with others! Us women have a tendency to compare ourselves with others. How do THEY keep their house so clean? They always seem so put together, so spiritual? Why can’t I be like that? The Lord has us in the place and situations we are in for a time. Do your very best, with the resources you have, to glorify Him. We will all travel at different paces, have different life experiences, and lead different walks of life. Embrace your life, and be content where He has you now.
If you’ve missed the past 3 weeks of inner and outer beauty, grab the button on the bottom of my sidebar.
Great post. Hmmm, I think it’s time for some new shoes! 🙂
“Embrace your life, and be content where He has you now.” Spoke to me so much today- – it’s been a day of disappointments and uncertainties, and I need to realize that God is in control and only asks that I trust him and be content.
On another note…..NEW HEELS!! 🙂
Great advice Traci. Laughing at the lingerie in thrift store comment lol! Wearing heels always makes me feel special as I run around all the time in flats. I put on some wedges to go shopping with my hubby the other day and he wiggled his eyebrows at me… it works ladies! 😉
Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!