In the same way that we will never measure up to that super model, super mommy, super (fill in the blank), we will never measure up to someone else’s blog.
Someone will always have more followers, more comments, a better layout, super-spectacular vlogging techniques, better photography, etc. Get the point?
He has called you to a special purpose. Are you a wife? Mom? Student? Grandma? Employee? Be diligent to do the very best with what God has equipped you with. That’s all He asks of us. And… He loves you no matter what (even when you fail miserably)!
Recently, a reader emailed me these GREAT questions:
5. Make a schedule for things you need to accomplish in your home/life. Put first things first. Just as you schedule time for cleaning/teaching your kids, schedule in time for blogging. (Luke 12:42: And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?)
6. If you are tempted to stay on the computer too long, set a timer! When it goes off, close your computer and move on with your life.
7. Remember your most important calling (if you are a mom/wife) is to be a godly wife and mother. (Titus 2:4-5: That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.)
8. Social media can never completely fill the voids in your life. We are all a work in progress, and the Lord is so faithful and gracious with us. Ask Him to satisfy your deepest longings instead of finding that satisfaction through self-approval and feedback from others. (Psalm 90:14: Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love,so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.)
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Mrs. Stam says
Amen!!! this is a great post! But I have to admit I read it really fast, I might have miss a thing or two!!! But I think your are very wise and this blessed me today!
May I share this post on facebook, please?
Ashley Sisk says
Your post today really addresses a lot of things we all face. I tend to be on the computer a lot because I’m alone a lot and it fills the time, but we’ve got to keep everything in perspective. If we don’t enjoy life, what’s the point. Great post!
Cara @ The Boys Made Me Do It says
Thank you for this post! It is something I think we all need to remember! I used to be on the computer a whole lot more than I am and luckily my family telling me did help!
Shannon says
There is much wisdom in this post, especially for the new blogger. I was drawn in by blogging in the beginning and realized I was on all the time! It was not good when I found myself feeling frustrated when my kids were interrupting my computer time (but computer time was ALL the time). So I did a lot of exactly what you recommended. Took a step back, got my husband’s opinion, and reevaluated.
Thanks for sharing.
nicolthepickle says
Great post. I do spend too much time on the computer. And sometimes it needs to go back to priority and why you do it.
Ps. Mrs. Stams facebook post brought me here. 🙂
The Nunnallys says
Thanks for sharing this. I like the check list and it will definitely come in handy now and in the future. It will be great to have the list to double check I am doing what I need to be doing and not filling all my time with blogging. I can definitely loose time reading blogs.
Amy says
What a wonderful post! Thank you for speaking up and saying what so many women need to hear. I hope this speaks to many women today.
Janet says
Excellent post! I’ve fallen into many of the traps of blogging including comparing myself to others but last fall I handed it over to God. I now write out a schedule for myself each day and use timers. Thanks for the great reminder and the encouragement.
Lisa says
Such a good post! I have battled with all the things you have addressed. I had to step away from blogging for a couple days and get my priorities straight. It isn’t my blog, it’s God’s blog. I want everything I say and do to be pleasing to Him. Thanks so much for sharing this!
Dana Dawn Calverette says
When I read the title of your blog I thought, Oh no! She’s read my blog an she’s talking TO me! Thank you so much for your blog today. In the beginning, I, too, spent way too much time on the ‘puter. I think listening to your husband is great advice.
Susan says
Well put Traci!
Jessica says
Excellent post, Traci! I’ve been feeling like I need a break from the computer, and my blog isn’t even big! I don’t know how you ladies do it.:) Thanks for the reminder to keep our priorities where they need to be.
Debi says
Thank you so much for this post. I deal with this on a daily basis…not being ‘good’ enough! There are many other blogs and bloggers are out there in cyberspace. I have had to ‘stop’ looking at them all the time because I tend to really get down on myself. I am learning that, while I may not be the ‘perfect’ blogger, I know that God has directed me to blog and therefore He must have a reason. There must be someone that needs what God gives me to write.
Thank you & God bless,
Debi Baker
Flamingo says
uuugh…how did you know? how did you know i needed to read this? God is using you girl today. I JUST had my quiet time.literally. I prayed that he would help me take away the inadequacy I feel when I compare myself to other bloggers. It stinks.because it does rob all of your joy.
thank you my friend. i need to keep the focus of what he’s called me to share.
Jenifer says
Traci, thank you for this. What a great post. I’ve dealt with all the issues you covered. My blog belongs to God. It is His ministry. My blog will never be like the others, because it is from my perspective on things God gives me. Thank you for this. Blessings
Angie says
What a great post!! I have been there, struggling with “keeping up”. And you are correct. When a blogger experiences the overwhelming feelings; take a step back. I have done just that…
Thanks Traci
Warren Baldwin says
Agree with Shannon, a lot of wisdom here. “How much time …” if we are asking that we have probably spent enough that day. Hey, I’m getting off to go read a book! (Good post)
Tracy Rogers says
Soooo good Traci! Thank you so much 🙂
Donnetta says
THANK YOU! I felt like you were saying this looking me straight in the eyes. It’s exactly what I needed to hear.
I linked to it as I prepare to enter a time of silence to do some evaluating of some the very things you mentioned in this post.
Mary Joy says
Excellent post!!!! Thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking about lately.
I caught myself competing with other bloggers in January…I stopped and took it to God for direction and I went from writing 5 days a week to 3 days a week and God has been blessing my blog in ways that still surprise me.
I realize now that I may never be a “big girl” blogger…but I am writing what God leads me to write…making some friends…encouraging others…and learning a lot from some amazing Titus 2 women.
My life regained balance recently when I stopped being on the computer throughout the day and started being on a short time in the morning before my family is up and then writing at night a few days a week when my children are sleeping and my husband is writing/studying.
I feel so much less stressed and so much more joy with life! Not just my writing! 😀
God bless you for this article…so many times we can hear the opposite…and if God is in control…He will bless it in His way in His time! 😀
Building Home with Him,
Mary Joy
Melissa says
Great post Tracy! When I started my blog a couple years back, I decided not to go crazy promoting my blog. I don’t have a lot of followers but I also don’t have a lot of pressure to post all the time or post certain material. I can post as I feel led. It’s what has worked for me. Blogging can bring on a whole new kind of insecurity or pride. It’s important to keep yourself in check.
Thank you for this post Traci! I often get into a rut where I spend way too much time on the computer. I mean did I really think I could keep up with the 250 blogs I tried to follow. Recently I have began paring down those that I follow. I only want to follow those that I truly want to read. This is great information!
Naturally Carol says
When I first thought of opening a blog I didn’t think of followers. I just wanted to show my sister in NZ what craft work I had been doing! I have made many lovely friends and just enjoy writing and photography and’s not numbers it’s having the opportunity to meet people and communicate that is great about blogging for me.
Katie says
Great post Traci! Love your list at the end! And your blog!!
Donna says
Wow Traci, you really nailed it with this one. Anyone who blogs, or does anything for that matter, falls prey to the “doesn’t measure up” monster.
I love the check list…gonna print it out so I can keep myself on track. I admit to spending too much time – often because my computer is so slow! LOL Still, I need to keep it all in balance…something every woman struggles with whether they write or not.
Kattie says
I totally agree with your post! It is easy to get caught up and engulfed in the blogging world. So far I have been able to keep it as an avenue to record special family moments and our schooling journey, but sometimes I need to remind myself it is just that and not to turn it into more. I have realized it is not something I can do while my children are awake, so I have to schedule time when they are sleeping. And then again that is the time to catch up on housework, start dinner, etc. Yes, there definately has to be a balance to get to everything.
Michelle says
This was a great post, Traci!
It is really strange but when I made the move to my new blog, I started to feel a great amount of freedom in just writing on it again without stressing out about gaining followers. I have truly been enjoying the whole process.
I also noticed that the greatest amount of time spent on “blogging” is never the posts that I am writing but rather too much blog reading that gets me into trouble!
As to obsessing over layouts and such: well…as you know, I am a bit hopeless about that whole business:D
The Better Baker says
Traci! You are amazing and I praise God for your boldness in addressing issues some may fear to touch. Thanks so much for these awesome words of wisdom. May God continue to bless you. You spoke to my heart…and the hearts of many others no doubt.
Jill from Killeny Glen says
This is a MOST amazing and timely post! It is wonderful!
Good stuff sister! GOOD STUFF!
Kami says
Love this Traci! You are always so faithful to post exactly as God has laid on your heart. I always enjoy reading your posts. I think we all struggle with this – but like you said, letting God safeguard our blog can let Him use us without losing our focus and purpose in the blog world. Love it! 🙂
Rachel says
Thanks for this post! (I am recently new to blogging and can see how it can effect your life negativily if you let it)
Jami says
Wow, thank you so much for this post. It’s so true! I was just at Titus2 this morning and the speaker said “cultivate your own talents, stop seeking others’ talents”. Love it. Found you through faithblogs 🙂
Homeschool on the Croft says
I don’t find that actually writing my blog posts takes up that much time – not too much anyway, but finding the time to read all the others I’d like to read can be very difficult.
There are so many good blogs out there, and – like you – I like to visit those who visit me (and others too!). This can take up a whole load of time…. especially if ‘one good blog leads to another’!
This is where *I* have to limit myself. I’d love to visit loads of folks, and leave a comment on each one, but sometimes I have to say No.
But we can make ourselves feel too guilty too. The truth is that I seldom go out. I homeschool the kids, so I’m here with them all the time. I’m always here when my hubby comes home from work, so he never comes home to an empty kitchen! I don’t belong to groups or clubs, and I seldom meet up with friends unless hubby and I have some visitors in our home. So, all in all, the time I spend on the computer doesn’t really compare with what I’d spend out of the home were I living a different kind of lifestyle.
That said, there are always points to watch. And if one of the kids is trying to talk to me, or hubby is trying to tell me about his day at work, and I’m glued to this screen…… then it’s time for Plan B!
Rachel @ The Cupcake Sprinkles In Life says
🙂 Great post!
I will always remember Ann Voskamp reminding us that Jesus only had 12 followers…
Have a great week! {{{hugs}}}
Adventures In Babywearing says
I have to admit, once you can get to the place where you don’t care as much about getting recognition for your blog, it’s easier and more peaceful, and for me, more enjoyable! But the hard thing is getting to that place. A lot of us have to go through the process. This post is a good guide, too! I’m sure many relate. 🙂
La Familia Garcia says
This was super helpful too! Since starting to work full time (to help pay for Christian education) I’ve had waaay less time to keep up my blog. I’m surprised how much god has showed me through it and IT”S OK to not have a day-to-day updated blog!! There WILL be a day where I’ll have more time to devote to it, but for now, I want all my extra time for my family!!
Joy says
Wonderful post, Traci! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and wisdom here.
Mary Lynn says
Thank you for sharing this! God really spoke to me and it came at just the right time. I love it when we get honest with ourselves. Trusting God to bless my blog however He sees fit. It is still a pretty new addition, and I have too found myself blogging WAY TOO MUCH! Committing to God this week to spend more time in prayer and in the word than at my computer screen.