Okay, well maybe it is just me. Broken, battered & bruised. I have gone through several struggles/trials throughout my lifetime.
I have been formed, and reshaped, by the Potter’s Hands. They are kind hands. Trials that have tenderly made me who I am today. Those same hands, will Faithfully continue to mold me. Reshape me. I will never arrive.
Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.”
Recently I had a friend say to me, “you seem to possess such a strength inside of you. I wish I had that.”
My reply, “it only comes from walking through the fire. Getting burned. Battered by the storms of life. Bruised. Only then, can I have something to offer someone else.”
Maybe you think I have it altogether. All the time. I surely do not!
I post happy, smiling pictures of my kids playing outside.
I write devotionals about walking close with the Lord.
I give cool recipes to try out for yourself.
I will never exhaust posts about honoring and respecting our husbands.
I throw some decorating tips and a few before/after crafty-type creations.
But I don’t have it altogether, all the time. No no no.
I am a broken and bruised person, seeking and striving to be obedient to my Heavenly Father.
Truth is, sometimes – – –
I fail.
I struggle.
I get bitter.
I get depressed.
I get angry at my husband.
I yell at my kids sometimes.
I want to run away and hide out for a few days.
But God! If it was not for God in my life, I would have nothing to share. At least nothing of eternal value. Thanks be to God for His grace and mercy.
Continue to praise Him for it! He longs for us to glorify Him and He delights in us. He created us for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.“)
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