1Corinthians 13::It is not forced. Charity is the motivating factor in all.
Hebrews 13:18::It is honest and real; pure in good conscience before God and man.
Colossians 1:11::It is joyful; especially while suffering long.
Psalm 119:165::It is peaceful.
Job 5:2::It does not envy her neighbor’s figure or status.
Proverbs 8:13::It is free from all things prideful and arrogant.
Romans 12:15::It causes the heart to be delighted in another person’s blessing.
Hebrews 6:19::It is hopeful.
Galatians 5:26::It sees the destructive nature in vain glory
Matthew 6:19-21::It stores an abundance of treasure in the Heavenly.
Mark 10:45::It looks out for others; self always comes last.
Proverbs 13:25::Its soul is satisfied.
Galatians 5:22-23::It breeds the Spiritual fruit.
Psalm 42:5::Its countenance shines; it is not downcast.
1 Timothy 6:6::It brings great gain when joined hand-in-hand with Godliness.
Philemon 1:21::It is made confident through obedience.
Colossians 3:23::It does not seek glory from man’s approval; for it is wise to see there in no benefit.
BUT… I have a mighty God.
As I choose to be Spirit-led, to be obedient to Him above all else, I will find…
CONTENTMENT will be a glorious thing!
What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you need a good dose of contentment this time of year? I know I DO!
Wow this is a good one. I don;t know anyone who does not struggle with this issue. This time of year it is easy to become discontent and “need more” of the things of this world, when what we really NEED is to hold fast to God and be content in all that he has given us. We are truly blessed to have a mighty savior and that should be enough to make us all content!
Well, you just know I love it b/c I am all about the JOY!!!
Love all the scriptures. That has really been our families focus this year…contentment.
Thank you so much for this post, it’s a great reminder and very uplifting, especially this time of year.
Absolutely! I could use a second dose, please 🙂
Thanks for the post! I’ve been reading a book and blogging about Joy which is very closely related to contentment.
This is just beautiful.
To me, the photo of Riley leaning against her daddy with her smiling eyes closed is a great visual of contentment 🙂
I’d love you to add the photo to this entry!
Grammie Tami ( My favorite title)
Those are amazing verses- thank you so much for the super does of scripture today!
Joy is a hard one for me right now– I am striving but it is hard to see joy in a lot of what I am working through.
I think what I have learned about contentment recently is to rest in whatever God has provided me with past AND present, to be content in the fact that he deemed me worthy enough to fight this battle with him.
As for joy, the same goes. I may not be able to see joy in the past, but I can certainly see joy in the difference between then and now. All because of God. Makes this season especially sweet to me- a balm to my soul.
Love you!