Don’t you like to be comfortable? I do! I don’t like stepping out into the unknown. But, that is what God calls us to do; at different times in our life.
God is taking me WAY out of my comfort zone lately; I can’t say that I like it, but I know that as I choose to be obedient, He will bless in HUGE ways.
Jeremiah 33:3 says ” Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show you great and mighty things, which thou knowest not!”
I came across this poem this morning and it spoke to me regarding this thought of being taken out of our comfort zones. It’s good stuff, so READ ON!
Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.
We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love.
[Sir Francis Drake]
Didn’t I tell you that this is some GOOD STUFF! I pray it blesses you, as much as it did me today! What is the Lord calling you to do? Won’t you step out of your comfort zone,
and find the stars?
I love this. Did you read my post from yesterday…same thing about comfort zones 🙂 God is so good.
That IS GOOD STUFF! I hope you don’t mind if I copy that poem. Thanks so much for sharing. You are such a blessing from the Lord.
Have a great weekend.
Teresa <><
Amy- No, I didn’t read your post from yesterday, but I’m going to right now. God is so good.
Teresa, please copy it… it is so life-changing! You are blessing too!
I love that poem! It’s interesting that it was written by Sir Francis Drake, who circumnavigated the globe. Thanks for sharing this. It’s very inspiring!
Great poem! My friend once told me this: God is much more interested in my character than He is in my comfort.
So true.
What a great poem.