you rush into church to tell anyone who will listen to your
muttered, panting speech,
ramble on and on about that new recipe, weight-loss secret,
that cool thing that your baby did, that no one TRULY gets excited about,
(at least as much as YOU are)!
When you can hardly wait for your friend to finish their thought,
while your OWN, more important thoughts, swirl around in your head to share…
The things that have always ignited a fire of passion within me
are accomplishments.
a clean house,
things in order,
a to-do list checked off,
a winning score on the softball field,
seeing numbers drop on a scale,
a great, new post…. hehum….
a happy, well-behaved child in the grocery store,
(that’s right, she belongs to me),
a fun, new project completed,
Freshly-washed dishes stacked high
(sometimes I even leave them drying, just a little longer,
because it makes me “feel good” to see such a beautiful sight),
fresh towels, folded neatly on a dresser,
a nice pat-on-the-back for a job well done. . .
But to sit, stop, and pray…
In the quiet,
behind closed doors,
out of my praise-worthy friend’s view,
when nobody sees,
when it won’t be ‘talked about’
at the next “get – together”
Is that why I don’t stop more often
to talk with my Lord?
My Lord, who gave everything for me …
His Love
His Blood
His Sweat
His Tears
His Prayers for ME, and for YOU!
If that is the case,
I am more selfish,
more spotted,
more proud,
than I thought.
I make an idol out of ‘self’,
and must think my accomplishments,
than spending time with Him!
Sandra said,
Silence is not prayer. Silence is disobedience, faithlessness, arrogance, and ignorance. And I refuse to live there anymore.
No Traci, you are a good person, don’t beat yourself up… no one is perfect…
you might say?
But we are ALL hopelessly flawed! I am hopelessly flawed…
We are selfish,
we want what we want,
and we wanted it yesterday for goodness sake!
May I stop making an idol out of my wants,
and seek His heart and desires for me!
Seek those things that are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of the Father.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:1-2
What are you setting your affection on?
Let’s get excited about Prayer, about seeking His Heart…
Won’t you set your AFFECTION on Him today?
Rebecca says
GREAT post Traci! You are going to do so well teaching the woman’s bible study this fall.
Traci~ Ordinary Inspirations for the everyday wife, mommy, and homemaker says
Thanks Becca… if you only knew how scared I am!
Missy says
What a great post! Thank you for the perspective.
Christy B says
Great post, can’t wait for the bible study 🙂
Deborah Ann says
Thank you Traci, somehow your words caused the dross in my soul to come to the surface. Self is so demanding, isn’t it?
Hey girlfriend, I’m writing a book too! We can be each other’s cheerleaders!
Traci~ Ordinary Inspirations for the everyday wife, mommy, and homemaker says
Thanks Deborah! I need your email address… 🙂 Do you have Facebook?
Joan says
Thanks for sharing. Your post helped me see, that I, too, like to accomplish tangible things that can be acknowledge by others. Very selfish and self-seeking indeed. I am determined to set my affection on Him daily!
Erin Huggins says
Great Blog with great post! 😀 Thanks for sharing it. Cheers, Erin
...they call me mommy... says
Amen and amen!!!
Lisa notes... says
What a beautiful and thought-provoking post. Thanks for sharing.