A woman is a powerful creature. God created her to be bold, fierce, courageous, and compassionate. Put a cause within her mind and heart, and a sword of passion in her hand, and nothing will stop her until it’s complete.
Many amazing things have been accomplished in the world because of her tenacity. Children have found forever homes. Food has been placed in the tummy of many a hungry soul. The gospel has been taken from West to far East of this vast globe.
Women wake up each day and take care of their homes. Some help by going to work and helping with finances and others remain at home to provide support there. Both are beautiful and equally amazing warriors. They are relentless in their pursuit of accomplishment; and yet…
We tend to breakdown that power by competing with other women. We diffuse the power when we critique and criticize our fellow women. We look at her power and accomplishment as a threat, and somehow feel the need to rise above her and be better. Not because we particularly enjoy the said task or ability, but because we think it will validate us as a woman if we can somehow be as good as her in that area, or even better.
The real beauty of a woman shines when we embrace being all who God created us to be, not who God created her to be.
What we are doing is tearing down the powerful unit God intended us to be as women. By not being who God has called me to be, I’m trying to be her and there is a crumbling effect taking place.
Back in the day, when going to battle, shields would have beveled edges. When lining up to fight the enemy, each person would hook their shields together. This would create one powerful unit to fight against the rising opponent. This proved to be an effective tool. Instead of each person fighting individually, they would be one giant unit together. This would protect each person from all sides of attack.
Let’s be that powerful unit as women. Instead of competing with one another, and feeling defeated, let us rise up against the injustices of the world together.
Some Simple Ways To Link Arms With Other Women
Encourage Other Women
Criticism is the biggest tool of tearing down others. Instead of insult, find ways to encourage other women.
Remove Jealousy From The Equation
Jealousy will hurt and destroy relationships. Find ways to enjoy the strengths of other women and celebrate their gifts.
Realize That Gossip Breaks Down Power
Gossip will cause a powerful tower to disintegrate faster than termites. Don’t participate.
Be You, Not Her
Realize that God made you YOU for a reason. Don’t try to be someone else.
Ask How You Can Meet Her Needs (Physical, Spiritual, Emotional)
Often times we don’t know the magnitude of what others are going through. Ask how you can meet their needs.
Be careful of Social Media
If you are struggling with criticism, jealousy, and gossip, you may want to take a break from social media. You may be looking at the good that others are doing, and hurting yourself by all those negative emotions rising to the surface. It might be a good idea to take some time alone with the Lord, ask Him to forgive you, and show you how to overcome it.
Diffuse The Toxic Environments
We all have been the eye witnesses of toxic environments. Be the one to diffuse it.
Prayer Is The Biggest Tool Of Power
Prayer is the biggest tool of power. Pray for the women in your life. Here’s a prayer you might like to pray:
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for my sisters in Christ today. I don’t know the specifics of what they are going through, but I do know that you say you will be their strength and strong tower. Meet their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs this very minute. Show them your love and grace. Give them a sound mind to discern truth and walk away from what is not of you. May we all be a unified front for your glory and honor. In Jesus’s name, amen.
AMEN. This is so good. Women have the power to build one another up, or tear each other down. I want to be a good role model to my daughters on how to minister to other women.
amen. love you friend.
I love this!!!!! So beautifully said. I am glad that I found my way back to your blog. This is good advise for all of us. Blessings to you!!! Sharing on my Facebook page.
Although I am taking a break at the moment, I look forward to getting back into my writing when God shows me the time. But in the meantime, you have blessed my heart.
Love you lady!!
Mary Susan
Thanks for sharing and for the visit! God Bless! Traci
Thanks for stopping by Mary!
Traci, loved this so much. And it’s reminders I needed . . . to link arms instead of competing. I have been feeling that weariness from social media too and as a result knew less time needed to be spent there. Great post. xoxo
A very important topic that many of us need to pray about! I think women should celebrate and unite with each other; we all have very unique differences and can benefit from each other’s strengths (rather than being envious or resentful). How much more content we would be if we would empower each other, rather than tear each other down…
Visiting from Days & Thoughts; a well deserved featured post today! ♥